[go: nahoru, domu]

Today we’re announcing the October 2022 update to Display & Video 360 API v2, which is still in beta. This update includes the following features:
  • Partial insertion order targeting write support for a subset of targeting types with the addition of create and delete methods to the insertion order AssignedTargetingOptions service.
  • The ability to duplicate an existing line item to create a new line item with identical settings and assigned targeting under the same insertion order.
More detailed information about this update can be found in the Display & Video 360 API release notes and updated instructions on migrating from v1 to v2 can be found in our migration guide. Before using these new features, make sure to update your client library to the latest version.

If you have questions regarding the breaking changes or run into issues or need help with these new features, please contact us using our support contact form.

Today, we’re announcing the v12 release of the Google Ads API. To use some v12 features, you’ll need to upgrade your client libraries and client code. The updated client libraries and code examples will be published next week.

Here are the highlights: Where can I learn more?
The following resources can help you get started: If you have any questions or need additional help, contact us via the forum.

The Google Ads Developers Channel is your video source for release notes, best practices, new feature integrations, code walkthroughs, and video tutorials. Check out some of the recently released and popular videos and playlists below, and remember to subscribe to our channel to stay up to date with the latest video content.

Google Ads API Best Practices - Error Handling and Debugging
In this episode of the Google Ads API Best Practices Series, we discuss how to handle errors that may occur when interacting with the Google Ads API, along with tools that may help you debug your applications, such as logging and the REST interface.
Meet the Team with David Wihl
In this video, David Wihl shares a bit about his role as a Developer Relations Engineer at Google and discusses his work in supporting the Performance Max campaign API integration.

[Live Demo] Building a Google Ads API Web App
Getting started with the Google Ads API? In this 8-episode series, we take a deep dive into developing web apps with the Google Ads API, with a focus on the OAuth flow, by building a multi-tenant app entirely from scratch.

Logging & Monitoring
This miniseries covers the basics of adding logging and monitoring to your Google Ads API integration and then goes into more advanced topics, with a special focus on Cloud tooling. Google Ads Query Language (GAQL)
In this series, we cover everything you need to know about the Google Ads Query Language to make reporting requests against the Google Ads API. We begin with the basics and build in subsequent episodes to cover various nuances of GAQL. We even dive into the various tools available to help you structure your queries. This playlist will equip you with the information you need to know to become a GAQL power user. For additional topics, including Authentication and Authorization and Working with REST, check out the Google Ads API Developer Series.

As always, feel free to reach out to us with any questions via the Google Ads API forum or at googleadsapi-support@google.com.

Today we're happy to announce the release of official TypeScript type definitions for Google Publisher Tags (GPT)!

Why TypeScript?

According to a recent State of JS developer survey, nearly 70% of developers regularly use TypeScript in some capacity, up from 60% the year before. As this segment of the community continues to grow, we are committed to providing the best experience possible for those working with TypeScript and GPT. We believe this is important not just because TypeScript is popular, but because it helps developers validate the correctness of their code and provides a number of quality of life improvements that make working with GPT more delightful.

How we got here

Until now, a number of community-led projects such as @types/doubleclick-gpt and @types/googletag have provided unofficial GPT type definitions. While these projects have done a great job of making our API more accessible to TypeScript developers, manually curated type definitions inevitably lag behind changes made to GPT, leading to those definitions sometimes being out of date. To address this, we've updated our release process to automatically generate type definitions from internal source code and sync changes to our own GitHub repository and the DefinitelyTyped project. This ensures that our official definitions are always up to date with the most recently released versions of GPT.

Try it and let us know what you think

For users new to TypeScript, we've published a TypeScript and Google Publisher Tags guide that covers the basics and provides a demo of the new type definitions in action. For those already familiar who want to try the new definitions right away, they can be installed via NPM by running:

npm install --save-dev @types/google-publisher-tag

If you'd like to make a suggestion, report a bug, or leave any other feedback about this new offering, feel free to open an issue on our GitHub issue tracker.

We’re announcing our tentative 2023 release and sunset schedule for upcoming versions of the Google Ads API to bring greater clarity to your planning cycle. Please keep in mind that these dates are only estimates and may be adjusted going forward. Additionally, releases may be added, removed or switched between major and minor.

Version Planned Release
Projected launch* Projected sunset*
V13 Major January/February 2023 January 2024
V13_1 Minor April/May 2023 January 2024
V14 Major May/June 2023 May 2024
V14_1 Minor July/August 2023 May 2024
V15 Major September/October 2023 September 2024
*Estimated and subject to change

Where can I learn more?
Check back for any updates as the blog is the best place to stay informed about developments in this space.

If you have any questions or need additional help, contact us via the forum.

We recently announced that Top content bid adjustments are no longer available for any campaigns. To align with this change, Google Ads API will make the following changes starting November 1, 2022.

  1. Attempting to set an AdGroupBidModifier with its preferred_content field set will fail with an ContextError.OPERATION_NOT_PERMITTED_FOR_CONTEXT error.
  2. Attempting to retrieve an AdGroupBidModifier with its preferred_content field set will return a zero value for the bid_modifier field.
If you need to retrieve the existing values for these fields for future reference, we recommend that you download these values before November 1, 2022.

If you have any questions or need additional help, contact us using any of the following support options:

To provide Google Mobile Ads SDK developers for AdMob and Ad Manager more transparency and predictability on the expected lifetime of an SDK version, we are introducing a deprecation schedule for the Google Mobile Ads SDKs for Android and iOS.


Introducing a predictable deprecation schedule offers the following benefits for app developers and publishers:

  1. Ability to predict and plan for SDK updates with a year of lead time.
  2. Legacy SDK code that only exists to support old versions can be deleted, thereby decreasing SDK size and lowering the risk of bugs.
  3. Engineering resources are freed up to focus more on support for newer SDKs and innovation of new SDK features.

To understand the deprecation schedule, let’s first align the terms used to describe the state of a Google Mobile Ads SDK version:

SDK State Impact
  • Ads will still serve to this SDK.
  • Support questions specific to this SDK version are no longer answered on the Google Mobile Ads SDK developer forum. Users will be asked to validate the issue in a supported SDK version to receive full support.
  • Ads will not serve to this SDK.
  • Ad requests return a no fill with an error indicating that this version is sunset.


The deprecation and sunset timelines will revolve around major SDK version releases. We plan to do a major version release annually, in the first quarter of each year. The release of a new major version on both Android and iOS will trigger changes in SDK state for older major versions on both platforms.

Once we release a new major version N for both Android and iOS:

  • All SDK versions with major version N-2 on their respective platforms are considered deprecated immediately. Questions specific to these versions will no longer receive support.
  • All SDKs versions with major version N-3 on their respective platforms will sunset after 2 months.
    • We will publish subsequent blog posts communicating specific sunset dates to activate this two-month sunset period. The first sunset announcement is expected in Q1 2023 with a sunset date in Q2 2023.

With this schedule, a new major version will live in the supported state for about 2 years, and in the deprecated state for an additional year before moving to the sunset state.

The graphic below helps visualize the schedule:

How does the change apply to existing versions?

Effective today, Android v19 and iOS v7 versions are considered deprecated. In accordance with the schedule above, we plan to sunset Android v19 and iOS v7 versions in Q2 2023 following the releases of Android v22 and iOS v9 planned for Q1 2023. We will provide more specific sunset dates following the releases of Android v22 and iOS v9.

The graphic below helps visualize the state of existing Google Mobile Ads SDK versions for Android and iOS with today’s announcement.

Note: Versions 6.x.x and below for both Android and iOS have been sunset since 2018.


The deprecation schedule provides a framework for predictable lifetimes for an SDK version. However, there may be exceptions in the future. This schedule does not preclude us from sunsetting an SDK version at an earlier date, but we are committed to providing proactive communication with ample lead time for any future changes.

Next Steps
  1. Refer to the deprecation developer pages (Android | iOS) for the latest updates to the deprecation schedule. If you are on a deprecated version, see the Android migration guide or iOS migration guide for more information on how to update.
  2. Stay tuned for future updates to this blog, where more specific sunset dates will be communicated once new major Google Mobile Ads SDK versions are released.

If you have any questions about this announcement, please reach out to us on the Google Mobile Ads SDK Developer Forum.