[go: nahoru, domu]

AdWords API v201406 will be sunsetted on April 6th, 2015, after which all v201406 API requests will fail.

This version was deprecated on October 8th, 2014. There are less than 4 weeks left before the sunset, so make sure to migrate to v201502 (recommended) or v201409 as soon as possible to ensure that your access to the API is unaffected.

We have prepared various resources to help the transition to a newer version of the API: As always, if you have any questions about this migration, please contact us via the forum or the Ads Developers Plus Page.

We are announcing support for AdWords API v201406 reports in AdWords scripts. This version introduces several changes to the reporting columns.

Columns and fields cleanup

We've removed duplicates and changed column and display names in some reports:

Column Name
Use ValuePerConversionManyPerClick instead.
Use ValuePerConversion instead.
Use ConversionValue instead.
Use ExternalCustomerId as unique account ID instead.
This column is now called IsRestrict and returns a proper boolean value.
New column name is NonRemovedAdGroupCount.
New column name is NonRemovedAdGroupCriteriaCount.
New column name is NonRemovedCampaignCount.

We also made changes to some enumerations for relevance and consistency:
  • Status value for an enabled object is now ENABLED across all reports. Before, it was ACTIVE for some objects.
  • Removed objects now have a status of REMOVED instead of DELETED.
  • The PRODUCT_LISTING_AD_CLICKS display name has changed from Offer to Product listing ad.
If your scripts use these fields in reports, make sure you fix the AWQL when migrating to the new version of the reporting API. Keep in mind that if you don’t use API versioning in your reports, then your code will now be using reports API version v201406 by default.

New report fields

Several new report fields were introduced:

Report Name
New columns
Campaign Performance Report
Click Performance Report
Product Partition Report
date fields, CampaignName, AdGroupName
Multiple reports
ExternalCustomerId, IsRestrict, BiddingStrategyType
Campaign, AdGroup, Ad, and Keyword Performance Reports

You can refer to https://developers.google.com/adwords/api/docs/appendix/reports for the list of supported reports and columns.

If you have any questions about this feature or the AdWords scripts in general, you can post them on our developer forum.

If you’ve attended one of our AdWords API Workshops, you will know how important we think your feedback is to the growth of the API. We also have surveys you can fill in to let us know what you think. Many of the changes brought about in AdWords API v201406 were influenced by your requests, including:
  • Labels have been introduced to the API, for filtering and in reporting, which has been our most asked for feature for over a year now.
  • Destination URL customization has been improved, which along with greater Analytics functionality, improves your ability to track and manage actions from your Ads.
  • The Status fields of all the entities have been made more consistent. This has meant changing some enumeration fields, for instance, but the result should cause less confusion going forward.
  • Shared Sets are back - currently for whitelisted customers only.
  • Managed Customer Service can now move whole subMCC trees between MCCs.
We want to thank you again for your feedback, and ask that you continue to let us know what you need to use the API more effectively. Your input really does matter, and makes things happen.

Finally, if you want to see the content of our last AdWords API Workshops round, we’ve recorded a series of videos of the presentations we gave. We hope you find them useful and interesting.

We are always striving to make sure the data you fetch from the AdWords API is as meaningful as possible, and in v201406 we've made a few changes to some return values that should be more intuitive.

First, in the TrafficEstimatorService, we used to return 0 for values which we couldn't calculate, for example if a field requires division by zero. However, this could’ve given the false impression that the actual value was 0, rather than that it couldn't be calculated. For this reason, we’ve changed the logic to return null in cases where the value couldn't be calculated at all. This affects the averageCpc and averagePosition fields in StatsEstimate, as these values will not be returned in SOAP responses when they can’t be calculated.

Second, when using the Keyword Performance Report, we formerly returned all negative keywords as having a "pending review" approval status. Since negative keywords don't need to go through the same process as normal keywords, we will now return a null value instead for the ApprovalStatus field for all negative keywords.

This change only affects version v201406 going forward, and doesn’t affect existing versions v201402 or v201309.

As always, we are constantly looking to improve the API. If you have any questions about this or other API features, please feel free to ask on the forum or on our Google+ page.

Many developers in the AdWords API community have mentioned that being able to create, modify, assign, and report on labels through the API would be extremely helpful. Well, we're excited to report that the v201406 release of the AdWords API includes all of these requested features!

Summary of label services and features
  • New LabelService for creating, modifying, and retrieving labels.
  • A new mutateLabels method in CampaignService, AdGroupService, AdGroupAdService, and AdGroupCriterionService for assigning and removing labels on your campaigns, ad groups, ads, and keywords.
  • New Predicate operators that allow you to select objects by one or more label IDs.
  • A new Labels field in multiple reports so you can retrieve labels for your objects and filter your report results by one or more label IDs.
End-to-end example
So how do these new features work together? Check out our labels guide to get you on the road to AdWords label expertise!

Next steps
If you've never used labels in your account or need a refresher course, check out the Help Center labels guide. Once you're ready to dive in, try out the label examples in your client library of choice.

Still have questions? Feel free to visit us on the AdWords API Forum or our Google+ page.

Today we’re announcing the release of AdWords API v201406. Here are the highlights:
  • Labels support. The new LabelService now allows you to manage your labels through the API. We've also extended the relevant services to allow setting labels at all levels (campaign, ad group, ad, keyword) and updated reporting to allow labels-based retrieval and filtering.
  • Upgraded URLs. The next generation of destination URLs allow you to specify multiple destination URLs for your ads, criteria and sitelinks. URL templates allow you to change the tracking parameters of your destination URLs without repeatedly reviewing and verifying landing pages. This feature is currently available for test accounts only, but will become generally available soon.
  • Distance targeting. The new LocationExtensionOperand allows you to set a radius around campaign location targets to reach users within the specified area. This will replace legacy Proximity targets in the future.
  • Improved accounts management. ManagedCustomerService now allows you to move whole subtrees between MCCs.
  • Consistency updates. We updated a number of fields and report columns to be more consistent across the API. Make sure to check the release notes for the full list of changes.
Note: ClientLogin authorization protocol is deprecated and is no longer supported in versions v201402 and later. You need to migrate to OAuth2 to use AdWords API v201406 and access these new features.

If you're still using v201309 of the AdWords API, please note that it's being sunset on July 21st, 2014. We encourage you to skip v201402 and migrate straight to v201406. If you're using v201402, be aware it's now marked deprecated and will be sunset on November 6th, 2014.

As with every new version of the AdWords API, we encourage you to carefully review all changes in the release notes and the v201406 migration guide. The updated client libraries and code examples will be published shortly. With this release, we've also updated the Required Minimum Functionality document to include some of the newly added features that are now required in third-party tools. If you have any questions or need help with migration, please post on the forum or the Ads Developers Plus Page.