[go: nahoru, domu]

Starting May 1, 2024, requests to retrieve, create, or run Full Path and Path Attribution reports through the Bid Manager API will return an error. We deprecated both report types in February 2024. We announced this deprecation last November.

After deprecation, running a query using the ReportType FULL_PATH or PATH_ATTRIBUTION generates an empty report. Existing Query and Report resources of these types are still retrievable, and report files generated previously will still be available.

Starting on May 1, 2024, ReportType values FULL_PATH or PATH_ATTRIBUTION and the pathQueryOptions field will sunset. As a result:

We’ve added these details to our change log. To avoid an interruption of service, we recommend that you stop creating, retrieving, or running any reports using these values before the applicable sunset date.

If you have questions regarding these changes, please contact us using our support contact form.

Today we’re deprecating cross-device conversion metric values in Bid Manager API. The following values will sunset on February 28, 2024:


Upon sunset, queries.create requests using these values will return an INVALID_ARGUMENT error, and these values will be removed from existing Query resources.

We’ve added the upcoming sunset to our change log. To avoid an interruption of service, we recommend that you stop creating any reports using these values before the applicable sunset date.

If you have questions regarding these changes, please contact us using our support contact form.

Today we’re announcing a new guide to help Display & Video 360 users discover available bulk tools that they can use to optimize their integrations.

The guide offers a high-level overview of each of the following tools that allow you to integrate with Display & Video 360 at scale:

The guide also provides a recommendations page that can help you choose the right bulk tool based on your needs and circumstances and a page proposing potential platform-wide integrations using multiple bulk tools.

You can navigate to this new guide from the existing Display & Video 360 API, Bid Manager API, or Reporting Data Transfer documentation using the Discover Bulk Tools tab at the top of the page.

On June 8, 2023, Audience Composition Reports will be deprecated in Display & Video 360. This means that you will no longer be able to retrieve, create or run Audience Composition Reports using the Bid Manager API.

In the Bid Manager API, an Audience Composition Report is a Query resource with a ReportType of AUDIENCE_COMPOSITION assigned to params.type. After deprecation:

  • Any request to the queries or queries.reports services identifying an Audience Composition Report will return an error.
  • All queries.create requests creating a new Audience Composition Report will return an error.
  • All queries.list responses will no longer include Audience Composition Report queries.

To avoid an interruption of service, we recommend that you stop creating or retrieving any existing reports of this type.

If you have questions regarding this change, please contact us using our support contact form.

The Bid Manager API v1.1 will sunset on April 27, 2023. The Bid Manager API v1.1 was deprecated in August 2022 and originally scheduled to sunset on February 28, 2023.

Please migrate to v2 before the sunset date to avoid an interruption of service.

You can read our release notes for more information about v2. Follow the steps in our v2 migration guide to help you migrate from v1.1 to v2.

If you run into issues or need help with your migration, please contact us using our support contact form.

As announced in August 2022, Bid Manager (DBM) API v1.1 will sunset on February 28, 2023. Please migrate to v2 before the sunset date to avoid an interruption of service.

You can read our release notes for more information about v2. Follow the steps in our v2 migration guide to help you migrate from v1.1 to v2.

If you run into issues or need help with your migration, please contact us using our support contact form.

Today we’re announcing the deprecation of the Bid Manager (DBM) API v1.1. This version will be fully sunset on February 28, 2023.

Please migrate to Bid Manager API v2 by the sunset date to avoid an interruption of service. v2 introduced a number of new features and breaking changes, which are listed in our release notes. Here are some of the changes introduced in v2:

Follow the steps in our v2 migration guide to help you migrate from v1.1 to v2.

If you run into issues or need help with your migration, please contact us using our support contact form.

We are pleased to announce that version 2 of the Bid Manager API is now available. Notable features added in this version include: This new version also includes significant changes to be aware of, such as:
  • The changing of the base Bid Manager API URL.
  • The renaming of existing services and methods.
  • The restructuring of Query and Report resources to use new named object types and enums.
  • The updating of method functionality to require queries to be run manually after creation.
  • The rewording of existing error messages to be more detailed and prescriptive.
More detailed information about this update can be found in the Bid Manager API release notes. Follow the steps on our migration guide to help you migrate from v1.1 to v2.

If you run into issues or need help with these new features or samples, please contact us using our support contact form.

Last year, the OAuth scopes used by the following Ads APIs were classified as sensitive, requiring developers to complete the OAuth verification process for their Google Cloud projects:
  • Google Ads API & AdWords API
    • https://www.googleapis.com/auth/adwords
  • Content API for Shopping
    • https://www.googleapis.com/auth/content
  • DoubleClick Bid Manager API
    • https://www.googleapis.com/auth/doubleclickbidmanager
Any remaining OAuth clients using the above scopes that remain unverified may have their existing credentials revoked and lose access to the above APIs if they do not complete the OAuth verification process as soon as possible.

Certain apps may qualify for one of the exceptions for app verification. If your application meets any one of those exceptions, follow the steps listed for the appropriate use case. If not, you must complete OAuth verification to continue using these Ads APIs.

If you have any questions or need additional help, contact us using any of the following support options:

The sunset of deprecated services in the DoubleClick Bid Manager (DBM) API, originally scheduled for February 26, 2021, has been postponed to April 15, 2021. The deprecated services scheduled for sunset include the entirety of DBM API v1, the DBM API v1.1 SDF Download service, and the DBM API v1.1 Line Item service.

Prior blog posts regarding this sunset give instructions on how to migrate from these deprecated services to either the DBM API v1.1 Reporting service or the Display & Video 360 (DV360) API. Consult these previous announcements for more information.

If you encounter issues with your migration or want to report a separate issue, please contact us using our support contact form.

As announced in August, deprecated services in the DoubleClick Bid Manager (DBM) API, comprised of DBM API v1, the DBM API v1.1 SDF Download service, and the DBM API v1.1 Line Item service, will be sunset on February 26, 2021.

If you are still using the DBM API v1 Reporting service, you must migrate to the DBM API v1.1 Reporting service before the sunset date to avoid an interruption of service. Consult the API release notes for details of the changes between v1 and v1.1. Differences to note during this migration include:
  • Queries created and accessed through the Reporting service require more specific filters in the params.groupBy field in v1.1. You might have to add more values to the params.groupBy field in order to create the same report structure generated in v1.
  • Responses from queries.listqueries and reports.listreports calls are paginated in v1.1. You have to update your implementation to traverse multiple pages if you want to consume more than the first 100 items returned.

If you are using any version of any other DBM API service, you must migrate to the Display & Video 360 (DV360) API.
Guides are available to help you set up and start using the Display & Video 360 API to download SDFs and manage your line items.

If you encounter issues with your migration or want to report a separate issue, please contact us using our support contact form.

On October 1, 2020, we are upgrading the classification of the authorization scope used for the DoubleClick Bid Manager API ( https://www.googleapis.com/auth/doubleclickbidmanager ) to “sensitive”. This upgrade is taking place to better secure the DBM API and the data retrieved from it.

Starting on October 1st, all unverified apps that are using the DBM API for the first time will encounter an “unverified app screen” upon attempted authentication. This screen can be removed by submitting your app to our verification process. This process usually takes about 3 to 5 business days. Information on how this process fits in the larger task of authorizing requests can be found in our guide.

Existing apps that began using the DBM API scope before October 1st will not see the “unverified app screen” and will not immediately need to go through the verification process. However, all apps accessing sensitive scopes will require explicit verification before the end of 2021. In anticipation of this requirement, it is recommended that existing apps complete the verification process at their earliest convenience.

If you run into issues or need help with this process, please contact us using our support contact form.

Today we’re announcing the deprecation of the Doubleclick Bid Manager (DBM) API v1.1 Line Item service and the sunset of all deprecated DBM API services on February 26, 2021. Deprecated DBM API services include the entirety of DBM API v1 and DBM API v1.1 Structured Data File (SDF) Download service. This sunset was originally scheduled for June 15, 2020, but was postponed due to COVID-19.

Refer to the table below to verify if the methods you are currently using will be available in v1.1 after February 26, 2021:

Service Methods Available in v1.1 after
February 26, 2021?
Reporting queries.createquery





Line Item lineitems.downloadlineitems

No. Use the new Display &
Video 360 API instead.
SDF Download sdf.download No. Use the new Display &
Video 360 API instead.

If you are still using the DBM API v1 Reporting service, you must migrate to v1.1 by the sunset date to avoid an interruption of service. Consult the API release notes for the finer details of the changes between v1 and v1.1. Differences to note during this migration include:
  • Queries created and accessed through the Reporting service require more specific filters in the params.groupBy field in v1.1. You might have to add more values to the params.groupBy field in order to create the same report structure generated in v1.
  • Responses from queries.listqueries and reports.listreports calls are paginated in v1.1. Users have to update their implementation to traverse multiple pages if they wish to consume more than the first 100 items returned.

If you are using any version of any other DBM API service, you must migrate to the Display & Video 360 (DV360) API.

Guides are available to help you set up the Display & Video 360 API and get started using it to download SDFs and manage your line items.

If you encounter issues with your migration or want to report a separate issue, please contact us using our support contact form.

Beginning in June 2020, we rolled out stricter validation of long and integer request fields in the Doubleclick Bid Manager (DBM) API. This rollout finished in early August and now applies to all traffic.

This new request validation no longer allows the use of decimals in string values submitted for long and integer field types. Previously, an integer field in a request body would accept, for example, “123.0” as a permissible value. Now, identical requests will return an HTTP 400 error with status INVALID_ARGUMENT.

Before the implementation of this validation, the API truncated invalid values at the decimal point and the digits after it were ignored. You can replicate this previous behavior by truncating values at the decimal place before making a request.

Verify that your code converts values with decimals to longs and integers. If you receive an INVALID_ARGUMENT error, make sure your numbers are actual longs or integers.

If you need help adjusting for this new validation or want to report a separate issue, please contact us using our support contact form.

We’re officially postponing the planned sunset of the Doubleclick Bid Manager (DBM) API v1 and the DBM API v1.1 Structured Data File (SDF) Download service.

Originally scheduled for June 15, 2020, we are delaying the sunset indefinitely in order to account for the difficulties many users are facing due to COVID-19. We’re hoping that this postponement frees up room for users to address more immediately pressing issues. An updated sunset schedule will be announced at a later date.

Although a sunset date is no longer scheduled, these services are still deprecated and migrations to DBM API v1.1 and the Display & Video 360 (DV360) API are recommended.

Today we’re announcing the deprecation of the Doubleclick Bid Manager (DBM) API v1 and the DBM API v1.1 Structured Data File (SDF) Download service. These services will no longer be supported and will be fully sunset on June 15, 2020. Refer to the table below to verify if methods you’re using will be available in v1.1 after June 15, 2020:

Service Methods Available in v1.1 after June 15, 2020?
Reporting queries.createquery
Line Item Settings lineitems.downloadlineitems
SDF Download sdf.download No. Use the new Display & Video 360 API instead.

If you are using the DBM API v1 Line Item Settings service or Reporting service, you must migrate to v1.1 by the sunset date to avoid an interruption of service. Consult the API release notes for the finer details of the changes between v1 and v1.1. Important things to know are:
  • Queries created and accessed through the Reporting service require more specific filters in the params.groupBy field in v1.1. You might have to add more values to the params.groupBy field in order to create the same report structure they generated in v1.
  • Responses from listqueries and listreports calls are paginated in v1.1. Users have to update their implementation to traverse multiple pages if they wish to consume more than the first 100 items returned.
  • The Line Item Settings service had no changes between v1 and v1.1. Users only have to update the version they are using.
The SDF Download service is deprecated in DBM API v1 and v1.1. Users should immediately migrate to the new Display & Video 360 API, which was released earlier this week. The Display & Video 360 API offers a new asynchronous SDF Download Service featuring new filter options and a new download format compared to its DBM API counterpart.

Guides are available to help you set up the new Display & Video 360 API, as well as use it to get started downloading SDFs.

Today we’re releasing the Display & Video 360 API v1. It offers a new, improved way to interact with your Display & Video 360 resources programmatically.

This initial API release includes new asynchronous Structured Data File (SDF) download functionality. This allows for the generation and downloading of large SDFs without worrying about individual API requests timing out. This is a change compared to the existing DoubleClick Bid Manager (DBM) API SDF Download service. Along with this change, other major changes include:
  • New default version logic that utilizes the default version of the partner or advertiser specified by the user.
  • New filter capabilities, including the ability to specify the exact resources to include in the generated files.
  • New response format that returns the generated SDFs as a .zip file to download, rather than JSON.

The Display Video 360 API SDF Download service will be replacing the DBM API SDF Download service. The deprecation of that service will be announced soon, and an immediate migration to the new API is advised. You can get started setting up the Display & Video 360 API here, and downloading Structured Data Files here.

More functionality will be coming to the Display & Video 360 API in the coming months, including line item management and targeting. Keep an eye out for future announcements!

We are pleased to announce the release of version 1.1 of the DoubleClick Bid Manager API. The full v1.1 API documentation can be found here.

Major changes This release contains two major changes that affect the API methods queries.createquery, queries.getquery, queries.listqueries, and reports.listreports. All other API methods remain unchanged.

One-to-one API filters to report column mappings In v1, some report columns were not mapped to any API filters and could only be included indirectly by adding related API filters in createquery. For example, in v1, report column “Advertiser Integration Code” could only be accessed by including API filter FILTER_ADVERTISER in calls to createquery

Starting with v1.1, a new API filter FILTER_ADVERTISER_INTEGRATION_CODE maps to report column “Advertiser Integration Code”, and it is no longer automatically included when using FILTER_ADVERTISER. Instead, this new filter needs to be added to the report explicitly.
Refer to the v1.1 API filter documentation for a full list of the new API filters.

Pagination support 

In v1, listqueries and listreports attempted to retrieve all Queries and Reports and would time out if there were too many resources to return. Starting with v1.1, responses from these two methods are paginated, making all resources retrievable.

Refer to the v1.1 API release notes for more details.

- DBM API Team

Today we're announcing the general availability of Structured Data Files (SDF) v5 in the DoubleClick Bid Manager API. Highlights of this release include:
  • Updates to environment targeting
  • TrueView for action
  • Regional location list targeting
  • Deal simplification updates
  • IO-level budget optimization
As previously announced, this release introduces a number of breaking changes to SDF v3.1, v4, v4.1, and v4.2. All existing SDF users who rely on legacy targeting fields must now migrate in order to make use of the new, enhanced targeting fields in SDF v5.

Retiring older API versions We're also introducing a new deprecation schedule and announcing the deprecation of all SDF versions prior to v5. Moving forward, we will generally only support 3 versions of SDF at a time and sunset the oldest version 4 months after a new release. In order to help developers adjust to this new schedule, we're providing an extended migration period for these newly deprecated versions and announcing a sunset date of February 28, 2020 for SDF v3.1, v4, v4.1, and v4.2.

These versions will remain active and supported until the sunset date, and we encourage you to use this time to update your applications. After the sunset date, requests to these versions will no longer work, preventing you from accessing SDF.
Get started with SDF v5 All SDF users are encouraged to begin requesting v5 files in order to take advantage of the new features listed above. To do so, simply pass 5 as the value of version when calling Sdf.download. For workflows that are dependent on older SDF formats, you can find additional details about the file format changes in the release notes.

Questions about this or anything else DV360 related? Contact our support team.

Update (Aug 8, 2019): Replacement field mappings have been updated to align with changes to the SDF v5 release notes.

On August 26, 2019, we'll be introducing a number of changes to environment and position targeting in Display & Video 360. These changes are being made to allow you to target your ads with increased accuracy and granularity. To learn more about these changes and how they will affect various parts of the Display & Video 360 product, visit the help center.

How will this affect API users?

A new version of Structured Data Files (SDF) will launch alongside these changes, containing new fields that allow you to retrieve and set all of the new targeting options. At the same time, existing SDF versions will be updated to disallow retrieving and setting legacy environment and position targeting options.

The following legacy fields will no longer be populated on download and will return errors on upload for SDF v3.1, v4, v4.1, and v4.2. Suggested SDF v5 replacement fields are provided where applicable.

SDF Entity
Legacy Field
New SDF v5 Field(s)
Environment Targeting
Environment Targeting
Viewability Targeting Ad Position - Exclude
No longer supported
Viewability Targeting Ad Position - Include
Position Targeting - Display On Screen
Insertion Order
Environment Targeting
Environment Targeting
Video Ad Position Targeting
Position Targeting - Video Position In Content
Viewability Targeting Ad Position - Exclude
No longer supported
Viewability Targeting Ad Position - Include
Position Targeting - Display On Screen
Line Item
Environment Targeting
Environment Targeting
Video Ad Position Targeting
Position Targeting - Video Position In Content
Viewability Targeting Ad Position - Exclude
No longer supported
Viewability Targeting Ad Position - Include
Position Targeting - On Screen

If you are a current user of SDF and rely on any of the legacy fields listed above, you will need to migrate to SDF v5 in order to make use of the new targeting fields. While this SDF version will not be available until August 26, we are providing a preview of the documentation that you can use to prepare.

Questions about this or anything else DV360 related? Contact our support team.