We are making two changes related to how various conversion-related stats are retrieved in AdWords Scripts.

New methods for Conversion stats

We are reintroducing two methods in the AdWordsApp.​Stats and MccApp.​ManagedAccountStats classes to work with Conversions.

Note: Since Conversions is a stat of type Double, the equality operators (= and !=) won’t work with these new methods when using the withCondition filters or comparing values in code. Instead, you need to use comparison operators like < and > or round Conversions off to an Integer.

Sunsetting ConvertedClicks

As part of sunsetting Converted clicks in AdWords, we are deprecating the getConvertedClicks() and getClickConversionRate() methods in the AdWordsApp.​Stats and MccApp.​ManagedAccountStats classes. These methods will be sunset on February 21, 2017.

If your scripts use these methods, update them to use the new Conversion stats methods if applicable before February 21, 2017 to ensure they continue to work.

If you have any questions about these changes please reply to this email or post them on our developer forum and we'll be glad to help you.