[go: nahoru, domu]

We'd like to remind you that the AdWords API v201402 was deprecated on July 9th and will be sunset on November 6th, 2014. With the sunset deadline only a few weeks away, if you haven't already migrated to v201406 or v201409, please do so as soon as possible.

As with each sunset, we have the following resources available for you:
If you have any questions or need help with the migration, please post on the forum or the Ads Developers Plus Page.

With v201402 of the AdWords API, it is now necessary to set the advertisingChannelType when you create a new Campaign. As part of this change, the networkSetting attribute is now used to define in more detail where you want your ads to appear.

All newly created campaigns, or campaigns that are switched into targeting both Search and Display using v201402, will automatically be SNDS campaigns. This behavior is the same as you will see in the AdWords User Interface, bringing that and the API into closer alignment. Existing applications are unaffected. As we continue to invest in Search Network with Display Select (SNDS) and see strong adoption from advertisers, we will over time be upgrading Search & Display Network campaigns to Search Network with Display Select.

With the introduction of both SNDS and Shopping campaigns, the new advertisingChannelType field allows you to state which kind of Campaign you're building. The field is an enumeration, which can be set to:
  • SEARCH, for the Search Network, including (for campaigns created with older API releases) Search and Display hybrids, and now SNDS campaigns;
  • DISPLAY, for the Google Display Network only;
  • SHOPPING, for Shopping campaigns serving Product Listing Ads on Google and Google Shopping.
Note that an UNKNOWN value can be returned if the value set isn't supported by the called version of the API. This covers situations where new options are added in newer releases.

This table specifies the only valid combinations of parameters for newly created campaigns on the networks that you intend to target.

Networks Targeted by the settings on the right
Enabled networkSettings
Search Network
Search Networks only
Search Network with Display Select
true or unspecified
Search & Content networks
Display only
false or unspecified
Content Network only
Shopping only
false or unspecified
Search Network only

Any parameter combination other than the above when creating a new campaign or making targeting changes to existing campaigns will be rejected with an OPERATION_NOT_PERMITTED_FOR_CAMPAIGN_TYPE error.

While you can no longer create Search & Display Network campaigns, existing campaigns of this type will remain unchanged. You can identify them by their displaySelect attribute being false, while both the Search and Content Networks are enabled. These campaigns should be migrated to SNDS by setting displaySelect to true.

The advertiserChannelType and isDisplaySelect fields are also present in reporting, so you can see how your Campaigns are configured.

If you have any questions about this change or the AdWords API in general, you can post them on our developer forum. You can also follow our Google+ page for updates about the AdWords API.

As previously announced, AdWords API v201402 lets you manage your upgraded, feed-based location extensions in addition to your campaign location extensions. Upgraded location extensions are linked to your Google Places for Business account and offer significant benefits over manually entered location extensions. Most importantly, once you configure your upgraded location extensions you don't have to worry about keeping them up to date with changes in your Google Places for Business account -- AdWords does it for you!

As mentioned in our detailed guide to upgraded location extensions, you can use the AdWords API to set up your extensions in a few easy steps: There are a few key differences between feeds with systemFeedGenerationData ("location feeds") and other feeds you may have created for sitelinks, app or call extensions.

Type or Attribute
Location Feeds
Other Feeds

Defines the link between your AdWords and Places for Business accounts.
Not applicable
Not applicable

AdWords maintains the feed item attribute -> placeholder field relationship for you.

You maintain the feed item attribute -> placeholder field relationship.
Automatically managed by AdWords.
Maintained by you via the FeedItemService
Not applicable

Only needed if you want more control over which businesses from your Places account are used for location extensions on a particular Campaign.
Only needed if you want more control over which businesses from your Places account are used for location extensions on a particular AdGroup.

Just as for other feed types, you can get stats for a location feed's extensions from the PLACEHOLDER_FEED_ITEM report.

This is just a quick overview of the AdWords API support for upgraded location extensions. For more information, check out our feed services guide for location extensions and the accompanying code sample in each client library (Java, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby, .NET).

Still have questions? Feel free to visit us on the AdWords API Forum or our Google+ page.

We recently announced a new flexible conversion counting option feature in AdWords that may affect AdWords API v201309 users. There are a couple of additional changes in the AdWords API v201402 that we want to bring to your attention so you can take full advantage of this offering:
  • Record conversion values in conversion report columns based on the flexible conversion counting option
  • Retrieve and set flexible conversion counting options in the ConversionTracker
  • Adopt new conversion-related column names in the reports

Flexible conversion counting option

Since February 25th, 2014, AdWords users have been able to change the conversion counting option between All Conversions and Unique Conversions. The conversion counting option is defaulted to All Conversions - when left as the default option, your conversion related values in the reports will not change.

If the conversion counting option is changed from All Conversions to Unique Conversions, then the following conversion-related report columns will reflect the counting option selected across all reports:
  • ConversionsManyPerClick
  • ConversionRateManyPerClick
  • CostPerConversionManyPerClick
  • ValuePerConvManyPerClick
  • ValuePerConversionManyPerClick
  • ConversionManyPerClickSignificance
  • ConversionRateManyPerClickSignificance
  • CostPerConversionManyPerClickSignificance
Please see the help center article for specific examples of how counting Unique Conversions differs from counting All Conversions.

Retrieve and set flexible conversion counting options

In the AdWords API v201402, you will be able to retrieve and set the flexible conversion counting option. Please review the ConversionTracker API documentation to see the new flexible conversion counting options field named countingType.

New conversion-related column names

Conversion-related columns will have new names in reports. In AdWords API v201402:
  • The selector field names will remain the same
  • The display names and XML attribute names will be renamed
If you are downloading XML reports, you will need to update your client application to read the new column names.

Please see the migration guide for a mapping between old and new display names and XML attribute names.

If you have any questions about this upcoming change or anything else related to the AdWords API, please contact us on the AdWords API forum or via the Google Ads Developers Google+ page.

Today we are announcing the AdWords API v201402. This latest release introduces support for Shopping campaigns, extensions to feed services, new reports, and more! We have also made most of the features previously marked as Beta available for everyone.

v201402 highlights:
Note: ClientLogin authorization protocol is deprecated and no longer supported in versions v201402 and later. You need to migrate to OAuth2 to be able to use AdWords API v201402 and access these new features.

If you are still using v201306 of the AdWords API, please note that it is being sunset on March 31st, 2014; we encourage you to skip v201309 and migrate straight to v201402. If you’re using v201309, be aware it is now marked deprecated and will be sunset on July 21st, 2014.

As with every new version of the AdWords API, we encourage you to carefully review all changes in the release notes and the v201402 migration guide. The updated client libraries and code examples will be published shortly. With this release, we have also updated the Required Minimum Functionality document to include some of the newly added features that are now required in third-party tools. If you have any questions or need help with migration, please post on the forum or the Ads Developers Plus Page.