[go: nahoru, domu]

The Content API for Shopping documentation now includes a guide for using OAuth 2.0 service accounts with Content API for Shopping. This guide will be of particular interest to in-house developers, whose applications do not need access to third-party information. In such cases, requiring the application to get user approval and to keep track of refresh tokens may be unnecessary overhead. Instead, service accounts provide a private key that the application can use to authenticate when using the Content API.

For developers that work with third-party information, you should still use the OAuth2 three-legged authentication flow as described in the Authorize Requests guide to request permission from users for access to their information.

If you have questions about which flow is more appropriate for your project, or any other questions or feedback concerning the Content API for Shopping, please let us know on the forum.

Until now, the DFP API only supported the OAuth 2.0 native/installed application flow. The OAuth 2.0 service account flow was only supported it you had a Google Apps for Business Account. Today, we’re unveiling the new OAuth 2.0 service account flow for DFP. This authorization flow has been simplified to no longer require a Google Apps domain. We’ve also updated the DFP web UI to allow service accounts to be added to be a DFP network.

Why should I use service accounts?

Service accounts allow access to Google APIs without the need for user interaction by authenticating solely with server-to-server interactions. Other OAuth 2.0 flows require user interaction or having an application cache a refresh token.

How do I use service accounts?

  1. Generate a service account key from the Google Developers Console.
  2. Add the service account to your DFP network by going to the Admin tab and clicking the Add a service account user button.
  3. Fill in the form with your Name, Email, Teams (if applicable), and Role. Then, click Save.
  4. View existing service account users by going to the Users tab and then clicking the Service Account filter.

With the *.p12 key generated from the Google Developers Console and the service account added to the DFP network, you can now generate an OAuth 2.0 token. For example, using the Java client library:

    GoogleCredential credential = new GoogleCredential.Builder()
        .setTransport(new NetHttpTransport())
        .setJsonFactory(new GsonFactory())
        .setServiceAccountPrivateKeyFromP12File(new File("/path/to/key.p12"))

For more information, see our updated guide on using service accounts with DFP.