[go: nahoru, domu]

Google Ads API now supports 25 different recommendation types including the most frequently used types. With the wide array of types available and documentation with examples to help you get started, there has never been a better time to get started retrieving and applying recommendations with Google Ads API!

Key suggested uses
Recommendations provide customized suggestions to help increase your campaigns' performance. Recommendations can introduce you to new, relevant features, help you get more out of your budget by improving your bidding, keywords, and ads, and can increase the overall performance and efficiency of your campaigns. Here are a few examples of how recommendations can help with the management of your account:
  • Avoid getting limited by budget this holiday season. With CAMPAIGN_BUDGET and FORECASTING_CAMPAIGN_BUDGET recommendation types you’ll be sure to keep your ads running, so potential customers can see them by preventing your campaign from under-performing due to a limited budget.
  • Expand the reach of your ads with USE_BROAD_MATCH_KEYWORD, which will update your keyword match types to show your ads to relevant potential customers.
  • Upgrade to Performance Max with UPGRADE_SMART_SHOPPING_CAMPAIGN_TO_PERFORMANCE_MAX and UPGRADE_LOCAL_CAMPAIGN_TO_PERFORMANCE_MAX, which will take care of migrating your existing Smart Shopping and Local Campaigns for you.
Implementation guide
To help you get started, check out our implementation guide and YouTube deep dive tutorial for tips.

Code examples
We’ve also put together these code examples to save you time getting up to speed with Recommendations in Google Ads API.

Today we’re releasing an update to the Display & Video 360 API which includes the following features:

More detailed information about this update can be found in the Display & Video 360 API release notes. Before using these new features, make sure to update your client library to the latest version.

We also recently published a collection of code samples on GitHub. The samples, available in Python, Java, and PHP, demonstrate how to interact with the Display & Video 360 API using the available client libraries.
If you run into issues or need help with these new features or samples, please contact us using our support contact form.

Our Samples and Libraries page has been updated with additional languages: Ruby and Go. For Ruby, the new samples are written in plain Ruby, which should make them easy to integrate into whatever Ruby framework you may be using for your particular project. If you haven't had a chance to try your hand at Go yet, the new Go examples provide the perfect excuse.

If you have questions about the samples or any feedback on how they might be improved or expanded, please feel free to file an issue on GitHub! If you have any other questions or feedback concerning the Content API for Shopping in general, please let us know on the forum.

Whether you’re just starting out with the DoubleClick Ad Exchange Buyer REST API or are working with an unfamiliar client library, our examples will help you get started! Our examples are now on GitHub and have been expanded to cover the following languages:

Each of these include documentation to help you get started with the corresponding client library and demonstrate how you can use the Service Account authorization flow with the DoubleClick Ad Exchange Buyer REST API.

If you have any feedback or feature requests for these examples, we’d definitely be interested in hearing about it! Feel free to contact us via the forum or our Google+ page.

The Ruby programming language is currently a popular choice for web development with Rails being the most commonly used framework. With this in mind we're releasing a new demo application that shows how to easily use the AdWords API Ruby client library with Rails.

This simple web application demonstrates the following:

  • authorization against AdWords with OAuth 1.0a and credentials re-use
  • accounts hierarchy retrieval and account selection
  • simple service request (CampaignService.get) and display results
  • basic AdHoc reporting functionality with download support

Check out the README file on installation instructions and detailed walkthrough for the demo.

Download the application from the library site or via git. It is also mirrored on GitHub (pull requests are welcome).

Are you getting started with the AdWords API but short on time to read the documentation? Do you need a reference implementation of a particular API operation? Check out our client libraries code examples which have undergone extensive renovations in the last libraries release!

The code examples are one of the best resources to learn the API and understand version changes. It is also helpful to have a working code to troubleshoot issues you may have with your own implementation. You can find the list of the client libraries and the resources for each library on the AdWords API site.

There were a number of changes introduced which we hope will make the examples code base more useful and easy to follow:
  • The code examples are now oriented around typical use cases rather than the API-specific operations. To get Criteria report look for the getCriteriaReport example, to create text ads - for the createTextAds example.
  • The number of input parameters was reduced which means you can run more examples as-is now, without adding specific object IDs.
  • For each example the code is wrapped into a function which can be called with parameters. This makes it easier to find out what parameters are required and improves examples testability.
  • Some of our Best Practices are now also demonstrated in the examples and described in the comments.
We’ve also changed the example files layout. We’ve noticed developers find it easier to navigate defined sections:
  • BasicOperations: start here if you are new to the AdWords API. This directory contains examples of basic operations such as creation, updating and deletion of most commonly used objects. The examples demonstrate the principles used in the rest of the API: selectors, predicates, paging, grouping of operations.
  • Targeting, CampaignManagement: these sections contain more advanced examples on the AdWords API such as geo targeting, location extensions, experiments and ad parameters.
  • ErrorHandling: examples in the ErrorHandling directory demonstrate how to handle different kind of errors occurring during the API calls. The errors covered here are API-specific (e.g. not network errors) and not transient so they could not be solved by retrying the exact same request.
  • Reporting: this section includes examples on how to retrieve a report with the client libraries. You can find the list of reports and their fields available on our codesite page.
  • AccountManagement: examples in the AccountManagement section will be helpful if you manage more than one account via the API. Here you can find code which retrieves accounts’ hierarchy or finds units spent on particular account.
  • Optimization: If you are looking for keyword or placement ideas or traffic estimations, you can find the examples in this section.
  • Remarketing: conversion tracker and audience operations are shown in examples in the Remarketing section.
  • Misc: this section contains examples that don’t fit into any other category and also some library-specific code samples. Check out our OAuth authorization code example here.
Browse updated examples code in: DotNet, Python, Ruby, Perl, PHP. We are working to update examples for Java and JavaScript as well.

As always, please feel free to ask any questions regarding the AdWords API on our forum or during scheduled office hours.