[go: nahoru, domu]

Today we’re announcing the v1_2 release of the Google Ads API. With this version, you’ll continue pointing to v1 as your endpoint; however, you'll need to update your client libraries in order to use v1_2 features.

Here are the highlights: What resources are available?
The following resources should help you get going with v1_2 of the Google Ads API: The updated client libraries and code examples will be published by May 2, 2019. If you have any questions or need help, please contact us via the forum.

We have heard from users that correctly configuring a client library and provisioning OAuth2 credentials can be challenging, so today we are introducing Google Ads API Doctor, a new tool that will analyze your client library environment. The program will:
  • Verify that your OAuth2 credentials are correctly configured and ready to make API calls.
  • Guide you through fixing any OAuth2 problems it detects and verify the corrected configuration.
The initial version of this tool will help you analyze and fix issues related to OAuth2 configuration, including the following common issues:
  • Invalid refresh token: The program will identify this and guide you through the process to obtain a valid token, back up your configuration file, and write the new value to your active configuration file.
  • Permission denied: There are several OAuth errors that sound similar, such as user permission denied and permission denied. The program identifies that in the first case it is caused by an invalid refresh token and in the second it’s because the Google Ads API is disabled in the Google API Console.
If you want to send the output to support, you can run your scenario with the PII flag to hide your Personally Identifiable Information (PII) and copy the screen output. To gather even more information, you can use the verbose flag to see the low-level JSON that is returned.

We are releasing this project as open source per Google’s open source initiative, and we encourage contributions. See contributing to Google open source to learn more about how to contribute to this project. As always, share your feedback on the Google Ads API forum.

We’re excited to announce another Google Ad Manager API Workshop in NYC on May 8, 2019. If you’re a regular user of the Ad Manager API and Google Publisher Tags, then you’re sure to find something of interest at this event.
What is it? A half-day event featuring technical talks by Google engineers and office hours with Google's Developer Relations team. Doors will open at 12:45pm and our keynote presentation will kick off at 1 o’clock. We will have talks on the following topics:
  • Serverless API integrations using Google Cloud Functions
  • Strategies and hands-on demos of tools for faster loading pages and ads
  • Advanced techniques for extracting data that isn't available in the reporting API
Who is the target audience? The event is targeted toward developers who use or are interested in using the Ad Manager API. The talks will be technical in nature, so a technical background is recommended for all attendees. This event is an opportunity for you to learn more about the API's capabilities and its newest features. This is also an opportunity for you to share feedback by talking directly with Googlers who work on the API.

Where is it? Google’s Chelsea Market Office
75 Ninth Avenue,
New York, NY 10011

How do I sign up? To register, please visit our website for this event. Seating is limited, so after you register, we will reach back out to you to confirm your spot at the workshop.

On Friday, May 31, 2019, in accordance with the deprecation schedule, v201805 of the Ad Manager API will be sunset. At that time, any requests made to this version will return errors.

If you’re using any of Google’s client libraries, you should allow extra time to migrate off of v201805, since it was the last version before the DFP API became the Google Ad Manager API. For details on what’s changed, each client library has a migration guide: Java, Python, .NET, PHP, and Ruby.

When you’re ready to upgrade, check the release notes to identify any breaking changes (such as the change to the capitalization of DateTime.timeZoneId in v201811). Then, grab the latest version of your client library and update your code. As always, don't hesitate to reach out to us on the developer forum with any questions.

To be notified of future sunsets, join the Ad Manager API Sunset Announcements group and adjust your notification settings. If you are an administrator on your network, you can also receive notifications when an application is making requests to your network using a deprecated version, as explained in this post.

Update (Jun 12): Python client library for Google Ads API v20.0.0 is now available on GitHub.

As the official End of Life date for Python 2 approaches, we will be ending support for Python 2 in both the AdWords/Google Ad Manager and Google Ads Python client libraries in 2019. After deprecation the minimum required Python version for both libraries will be 3.6+.

Deprecation will begin with the AdWords/Google Ad Manager Python client library in May. Here’s a timeline for easy reference:
  • mid-May: version 19.0.0 is released to support Google Ad Manager API v201905. Python 2 users should not upgrade to any major version beyond this.
  • mid-May - late-June: Python 2 deprecation window.
  • Last week in June: version 20.0.0 is released that is incompatible with Python 2.
  • July 1: Support for Python 2-related issues in the library ends.
If you are a user of the AdWords/Google Ad Manager client library, please take note of the following:
  • Google Ad Manager Users:
    • If you’re already using Python 3, no need to take action.
    • If you’re using Python 2 you should remain on version 19.0.0 until you’ve migrated to Python 3.
  • AdWords Users:
    • Please migrate to the new Google Ads API.
    • If you’re using Python 2 you should remain on version 19.0.0 until you’ve migrated to the Google Ads API.
  • All Users:
    • Beginning July 1, 2019 we will discontinue prioritizing work and triaging GitHub Issues related to compatibility with Python 2. Note that we will submit patches to version 19.0.0 if any major bugs arise after this deadline.
The Google Ads API client library will continue to be compatible with Python 2 until the end of 2019. We will post more information about that migration at a later date. In the meantime, Python 2 users should start planning their migration to Python 3 as soon as possible in order to avoid complications.

If you have questions about the Python 3 migration please submit an issue on the respective GitHub repository, and for general API support please reach out to us on the Google Ads API forum or the Google Ad Manager API forum.