[go: nahoru, domu]

AdWords API v201710 will be sunset on July 25, 2018. After this date, all v201710 API requests will begin to fail. We recommend that you skip v201802 and migrate directly to v201806. Please migrate prior to July 25, 2018 to ensure your API access is unaffected.

We've prepared various resources to help you with the migration: As always, if you have any questions about this migration, please contact us via the forum.

Good news for developers planning to integrate Google Shopping ads! We have just released a brand new guide explaining how to automate the delivery of Google Shopping on behalf of merchants using Google APIs.

The Shopping Automation Guide covers the steps required to set up new merchants using a combination of the Content API for Shopping and AdWords API. It describes how you can fully automate certain tasks that would otherwise be performed manually using the Merchant Center and AdWords websites.

The guide is for developers interested in feed management, campaign management, or full automation workflow that includes both. The workflows provide detailed explanations of how the different APIs can be used for each stage of the user journey. You can follow the workflow step by step or navigate straight to the article you require using the side panel.

Head over to the developer pages to get started! If you have any questions or need help, please contact us on the relevant forums: If you have any feedback on the guide, please use the “Send Feedback” link at the top right of each page.

We also appreciate any feedback on your experience using the guide. If you would like to share it, please complete this survey.

Today we’re announcing the release of AdWords API v201806. Here are the highlights:
  • Mutable ads. The new AdService allows you to edit ads in place and retain performance stats for ETA, DRA, Showcase ads, and responsive search ads. Check out the updated ads overview for details.
  • Responsive search ads (beta). This new ad format allows you to provide multiple headlines and descriptions in one creative. These assets are then combined into ads that can accommodate more content -- up to 3 headlines and 2 description lines -- and can improve performance. Responsive search ads are available to whitelisted users and in test accounts.
  • Responsive display ads (beta). This new type of display ad is available to whitelisted users and will be fully supported when it launches later this summer. Responsive display ads allow you to provide multiple text and image assets in one creative, and then AdWords combines and tests these assets to show the most relevant ads to your customers across the Google Display Network.
  • Smart display campaigns (beta). The AdWords API now supports creation and management of Smart display campaigns by whitelisted users, and will also be fully supported when it launches later this summer. The new accompanying guide covers all the details.
  • Offline conversion adjustments. The new OfflineConversionAdjustmentFeedService allows you to apply conversion adjustments using the AdWords API. The updated conversions guide has more details to help you get started with this new service.
  • Dynamic Search Ads criteria. WebpageConditions for Webpage criteria now support parameters based on an exact match of URLs.
  • New promotion extension occasions. Several new occasions were added for promotion extensions.
If you’re using v201710 of the AdWords API, please note that it will be sunset on July 25, 2018. We encourage you to skip v201802 and migrate straight to v201806. If you're using v201802, be aware it's now marked deprecated.

As with every new version of the AdWords API, please carefully review all changes in the release notes and the v201806 migration guide. The updated client libraries and code examples will be published within the next 48 hours.

If you have any questions or need help with migration, please contact us via the forum.

Today we’re announcing the beta release of Google Ads API v0_1. With minor updates like this one, you’ll continue to point to v0 as your endpoint, but you will want to update your client libraries. Here are the highlights:
  • Recommendations. Recommendations provide customized suggestions to help increase your campaigns' performance. This is the first time Recommendations is being brought to you through an API.
    • The four Recommendations we currently provide in the API are:
      • Bid more efficiently with target CPA
      • Add new keywords
      • Add ad suggestions
      • Fix campaigns that are limited by budget
    • Search for Recommendations using GoogleAdsService.Search, which supports filtering and selecting with ad group, campaign, and campaign budget for supported Recommendations.
    • Retrieve and apply Recommendations using RecommendationService.
  • PHP client library. In the v0 release, we released Java, C#, and Ruby client libraries. We’re releasing a PHP client library shortly after this version.
To get started with the API, our team has put together these resources: If you have any questions or need help, please contact us via the forum.