[go: nahoru, domu]

We’re pleased to announce that Display & Video 360 API v2 is available in public beta starting today. We're also extending our DV360 API Developer Survey through the end of September so that we can gather more customer feedback on v2 and the API in general.

v2 includes a number of new features and breaking changes. Here are some of the changes introduced in v2:

More detailed information about this release can be found in our release notes. Follow the steps in our migration guide to migrate from v1 to v2. As it is in beta, be aware that we might make unversioned breaking changes to DV360 API v2 before it exits the beta phase.

If you want to provide feedback and recommend features that should be included in future versions of the API, please fill out our DV360 API Developer Survey. The survey has been extended through the end of September and will help shape the product roadmap for v2 and beyond.

If you run into issues or need help with these new features or samples, please contact us using our support contact form.

The Annual Display & Video 360 API Developer Survey for 2022 is closing on September 14, 2022. Please take 10-15 minutes to share your feedback with us before that date.

Here is our original blog post for reference.

As we continue to regularly update the Display & Video 360 API, we’re always looking for how we can improve the developer experience. With this in mind, we are asking for your feedback on our first Display & Video 360 API annual developer survey.

Please take 15-20 minutes to share your feedback about the Display & Video 360 API on our Annual Display & Video 360 API Developer Survey for 2022.

Through this survey, we are especially interested in understanding how you are using the API, what features you’d like added, and what we can do to make onboarding to the API easier. Your feedback will help shape the product roadmap for the next year.

As 2021 comes to a close, we’re looking forward to next year and how we can improve the Google Ads API developer experience. As we've done in past years, we're again asking for your feedback on the Google Ads API (and AdWords API, sunsetting in April 2022).

Last survey, you helped us understand your biggest pain points when using the Google Ads API. You also pointed us toward the features and functionality you like or want most. We've spent time in those areas over the last year, keeping your feedback in mind.

Please take 10-15 minutes to share your feedback about the Google Ads API and the AdWords API on our Annual Google Ads API Developer Survey for 2021.

To learn more about what's working well and what could be improved, we're running a developer survey on the Ad Manager API. All questions are optional and your answers will be anonymous. We hope you'll take the opportunity to leave feedback on how we can make managing your network better.

Take the survey

The survey should take about 10 minutes to complete and will close on July 31, 2020. Thanks for helping us continue to improve developer experience for everyone.

Since the early days of the AdWords API, we've continually evolved the platform to help you more efficiently and creatively manage large or complex Google Ads accounts and campaigns. This year, we’ve also announced the Google Ads API Beta, which was rebuilt to stay on the edge with advancements in our advertising platform.

To learn more about what's working well, and what could be improved, we're running our annual developer feedback survey on both the AdWords API and Google Ads API. Your answers will be completely anonymous, so we hope you'll take the opportunity to leave feedback on how we can make managing campaigns even easier.


The survey should take about 15 minutes to complete, and will close on November 15, 2018. Thank you in advance for helping us continue to improve developer experience for everyone.

Since the early days of the AdWords API, we've continually evolved the platform to help you more efficiently and creatively manage large or complex AdWords accounts and campaigns.

To learn more about what's working well and what could be improved, we're running our first AdWords API feedback survey. Your answers will be completely anonymous, so we hope you'll take the opportunity to let us know about any changes you'd like to see to help make managing campaigns even easier.


The survey will close on August 30, 2017, and should take about 15 minutes to complete. Thanks in advance for sharing your thoughts to help us improve the AdWords API Developer experience for everyone.