[go: nahoru, domu]

Starting February 11, 2019 if you are making Google Ads API requests using OAuth credentials from a manager account and are accessing a related customer account, you will need an additional HTTP request header/grpc metadata field. You will need to set the login-customer-id header to the customer ID of the manager account, removing any hyphens in the ID.

Setting this new header is essentially equivalent to choosing an account in the Google Ads UI after signing in, and it’s configurable in the client libraries. Each library has instructions in its README that explain how to set a login-customer-id in your local configuration. Here are links to all relevant sets of instructions in each library: If this header is not set, you may begin seeing the error: USER_PERMISSION_DENIED.

For more details on request headers, including login-customer-id, see our documentation.

If you have questions, please reach out to us on the Google Ads API forum.

Starting Feb 15, 2019, in all AdWords API versions and in the Google Ads API, we’re going to reject requests that attempt to create a Smart Shopping campaign with the local inventory ads setting enabled. The local inventory ads setting is equivalent to setting enableLocal to true in the AdWords API, and enable_local to true in the Google Ads API. Trying to set those fields to true when creating a Smart Shopping campaign will result in the OperationAccessDenied.OPERATION_NOT_PERMITTED_FOR_CAMPAIGN_TYPE error. Previously, those fields were ignored when passed to the API servers.

Why is this happening?
Throwing an error for the requests described above provides an alert to users that local inventory ads are not supported in Smart Shopping campaigns.

What should you do?
Make sure you do not have code that creates a Smart Shopping campaign with local inventory ads enabled. Specifically, when you create a ShoppingSetting object for a Smart Shopping campaign, take either of the following actions: Follow the guides below for details on how to create a Smart Shopping campaign: As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please post them on our forum.

Today we’re announcing the beta release of the Google Ads API v0_7. With this version, you’ll continue pointing to v0 as your endpoint; however, you'll need to update your client libraries. Here are the highlights:
  • Request Parameters. These parameters give you the ability to change how a request is processed.
    • Set validate_only to true as a request parameter to only validate the request, but not perform it. This was added to all services including GoogleAdsService.Mutate().
    • Set partial_failure to true as a mutate parameter to continue on failure and commit valid operations even if other operations in the same request failed.
  • Reporting. All segment fields are now in a segments, which means all queries must be updated to include segments. before the segment field name.
  • Manager accounts. We've added support for mutating your customer hierarchy with CustomerManagerLink and CustomerClientLink.
  • Client accounts. We’ve introduced fields to identify if a customer is a test account or a manager account. The conversion tracking settings of a customer are now available.
  • Ad formats. We’ve added support for managing ad parameters with the AdParameterService.
  • Audiences. The targeting setting in campaigns and ad groups is now available. We’ve added support for rule-based, logical, and basic user lists. You can now manage remarketing actions for a basic user list.
  • Criteria types. Creating criteria with CriterionType MOBILE_APP_CATEGORY, WEBPAGE, OPERATING_SYSTEM_VERSION, and APP_PAYMENT_MODEL is now possible.
To get started with the API, review these helpful resources: The updated client libraries and code examples will be published within the next 2 business days. If you have any questions or need help, please contact us via the forum.

We have added support for AdWords API v201809 reports in Google Ads Scripts. The key changes in this release include:
  • The DESTINATION_URL_REPORT has been removed. Use the FINAL_URL_REPORT instead.
  • New conversion fields have been added to multiple reports:
    • ConversionAttributionEventType (CAMPAIGN_PERFORMANCE_REPORT only)
    • ConversionAdjustment
    • ConversionAdjustmentLagBucket
Read the AdWords API release notes for complete details, including additional features not listed here.

If you use API versioning in your reports, you need to modify your code to use v201809:
var report = AdsApp.report(query, {
  apiVersion: 'v201809'
If you don't use API versioning, no code changes are required. We are updating the default reporting version to v201806 along with this change, and your reports will upgrade automatically.

If you have any questions about these changes or Google Ads scripts in general, you can post them on our developer forum.

Starting March 2019, the composer file of all releases of the Google Ads API client library for PHP (AdWords and Ad Manager) will require PHP version 7.1 or later. The latest major version of the client library (v39.0.0) will be the last release that supports PHP 5, with the minimum required PHP version of 5.6. We’ll still fix critical bugs for this major version, but no new features will be added to it in the future.

PHP 5.6 and 7.0 were sunset at the end of 2018. The PHP development team no longer provides security fixes for these versions, so we highly recommend migrating to the latest version (7.3) if possible.

You can see some useful resources below: As always, if you have any questions, feel free to drop us a line on the Google Ads API or Google Ad Manager API forums.

On Thursday, February 28, 2019, in accordance with the deprecation schedule, v201802 of the Ad Manager API will be sunset. At that time, any requests made to this version will return errors.

If you’re still using this version, now is the time to upgrade to the latest release and take advantage of new functionality like new reporting Dimensions, enhanced options for Targeting, and improved Forecast breakdowns.

To upgrade, check the release notes to identify any breaking changes, grab the latest version of your client library, and update your code.

Significant changes include: This is not an exhaustive list, so be sure to check the release notes for a list of all changes. As always, don't hesitate to reach out to us with any questions.

To be notified of future deprecations and sunsets, join the Ad Manager API Sunset Announcements group and adjust your notification settings. If you are an administrator on your network, you can also receive notifications when an application is making requests to your network using a deprecated version, as explained in this post.

In October 2018, we introduced the ability to configure account-level call reporting in the Google Ads UI. If a user has set account-level call reporting in their Google Ads account: If your values are being ignored in the API, then your user may have decided to go to the Google Ads UI to enable account-level call reporting.

If you have questions, please reach out to us on the forum.