[go: nahoru, domu]

The new sunset date of DFA API version v1.18 has been set for February 28th, 2013. This version of the API has been deprecated since November, 2012 and was originally scheduled to be retired in December, 2012. We pushed back this sunset during the holiday season, but the time has come for this version to be laid to rest.

If you’re still using v1.18, please be sure to update your applications before February 28th. Our release notes will help you identify differences in v1.19, the most important being the necessity to use HTTPS connections. We are available on our forum to help you with any questions you have.

One of the more exciting features in the DFA Reporting API is synchronous reporting - the ability to run smaller reports right when you request them. Synchronous reporting is great for fetching metrics when you need them quickly, such as in a GUI environment. To help you understand how to take advantage of this feature, we’ve added a synchronous reporting guide.

If you have any questions on this topic, please bring them to our forum. We’d be happy to answer them for you and add them to our guide.

Based on feedback we've heard, and to encourage continued innovation, we are making AdWords API usage free for developers, starting March 1, 2013. Adwords API preferred pricing will be retired.

Going forward, there will be two levels of API access: Basic and standard. Basic access is provided by default and allows up to 10,000 operations per day. Standard access is available to qualified developers and has no daily limit on operations. With either basic or standard access, there will be no charges for AdWords API usage.

What this means for you
If you have an approved AdWords API token and plan to execute fewer than 10,000 operations per day, there's no action needed. You're covered with basic access.

If you need more than 10,000 operations per day, then you’ll need standard access. You can apply for standard access by completing this form

Based on your history with the AdWords API and details you’ve shared with us, you might be pre-qualified for standard access. If so, we will contact you within the next week and let you know. Please keep your contact email address up-to-date in the My Client Center (MCC) account associated with your developer token. If you haven’t been contacted or if you haven’t applied for standard access by February 28th 2013, your token will only have basic access starting March 1st 2013.

Compliance with Adwords API terms
All developers using the API must comply with the AdWords API terms and conditions, including the required minimum functionality, where applicable. If you’re not in compliance, then you’ll be alerted and given a period of time to make appropriate corrections. At the end of this initial notice period, if the corrections aren’t made, then you may be given up to a 3-month extension, during which, you’ll be charged a monthly non-compliance fee ($10 for every 10,000 operations that were used in the month before you received your initial non-compliance notice). Continued non-compliance will result in API access being revoked.

More details
For more information about these changes to Adwords API pricing terms, please refer to the revised rate sheet and FAQ section on the Adwords API developer site.

Posted by S Srikanth Belwadi - Product Manager, Adwords

In December 2012, we added new columns related to impression share to the account, campaign and adgroup performance reports. With the introduction of these new columns, the old ones are now obsolete and will be removed as previously announced.

The following columns will no longer be available starting February 2, 2013:
  • BudgetLostImpressionShare
  • ExactMatchImpressionShare
  • ImpressionShare
  • QualityLostImpressionShare
We recommend reviewing your report definitions to ensure they are up-to-date with the change. As always, please feel free to ask any questions regarding the client libraries or the AdWords API on our forum or during scheduled office hours. You can also follow the Google Ads Developer page for all Ads-related updates.

Last September we launched AdWords scripts, giving advertisers the power to solve complex advertising problems by writing simple JavaScript programs. Based on your feedback, we’re happy to announce three new features in AdWords scripts: ad group creation, support for labels and new Google Analytics metrics.

Creating ad groups
Using an AdGroupBuilder from a specific campaign allows you to create ad group programmatically. You can specify all or just some of the fields that make up an ad group. Calling the create() function of the builder returns the new ad group so you can start using the ad group immediately. Here’s an example of how to use it:
  var adGroupBuilder = campaign.newAdGroupBuilder()      
      .withName('New York')     
      // Start off paused - let's review before launching this ad group!
  var newAdGroup = adGroupBuilder.create();  

Now that you can create ad groups in addition to keywords and ads, copying entire ad groups to another campaign should be a snap!

Working with labels
Labels have been available in the UI for some time. AdWords Scripts is now providing a way to use them programmatically. They can be associated with Campaigns, Ad Groups, Keyword and Text Ads. You can create and remove labels as well as filter campaigns, keywords, etc. based on their label. You can also list, apply or remove labels associated with an entity.

Creating/removing a label:
  AdWordsApp.createLabel("Poor performers",      
      "Keywords that have been performing poorly", "red");  
  var label = AdWordsApp.labels().      
      withCondition("LabelName EQUALS 'Foo'").get().next();  

Apply or remove labels on objects:
  keyword.applyLabel('Poor performers');  
  keyword.removeLabel('Poor performers');

Filtering with labels:
  var label = AdWordsApp.labels().      
      withCondition("LabelName EQUALS 'Foo'").get().next(); 
  var keywordsIter = label.keywords().get();  
  var keywordsIter = AdWordsApp.keywords().      
      withCondition("LabelNames CONTAINS_ANY ['Foo', 'Bar']").get();

Getting a list of labels on a keyword:
  var labelIter = keyword.labels().get();  
  while (labelIter.hasNext()) {    

New analytics columns
If you have linked your AdWords account with your Analytics account, you will be able to access bounce rate, average time on site, and average pageviews from the Stats object associated with AdWords entities. For example:
  var stats = keyword.getStatsFor("LAST_7_DAYS");  

More resources
Please take advantage of AdWords scripts resources:

On February 9th, 2013, we will be sunsetting all versions of the Java DART API prior to 13.4.8. This change has been planned since August. We extended the deadline for this change from its original date to February, and now this deadline is quickly approaching.

We will continue to support the current as well as the three previous versions of the Java DART API. You can expect to update your applications once a year under this new policy. Version 13.4.8 is currently the earliest version supported, but another release is on the horizon in March, 2013. To better future-proof yourself, we strongly recommend that you use at least version 13.6 or consider upgrading to the DFA Reporting API.

After February 9th, requests from a version prior to 13.4.8 will begin returning errors. You can find the latest download for this API in our help center. Please ensure your applications are updated. You can reach out to us with questions and concerns on our forum.

On February 26, 2013, we will be sunsetting version v201206 of the AdWords API.

Calls made using this version will return errors after February 26th. It is therefore critical that you migrate to AdWords API v201209 for your applications to run without interruption.

We encourage you to use the following resources for a successful migration:

Smartphones and tablets can be great creative canvases for brand advertisers, and many agencies are helping brands go big on mobile. But it’s hard for agencies and advertisers to experience the full interactivity of mobile rich media -- mobile video and HTML5 ads --  through static images alone. Last night at our annual Creative Sandbox event in New York, we unveiled the new Mobile Ads Showcase App, which lets you experience mobile ads exactly as your users will.

The app lets you explore what best-in-class advertisers are doing with mobile rich media, and learn about all that’s possible with Google Mobile Ads. Additionally, agencies can use the app as their mobile portfolio by coding, testing and uploading their HTML5 ad examples to the MRAID-compliant “My Ads” screen. The app is now available for Android smartphones and tablets through the Google Play Store.

See the app in action and learn more about how it works on the Creative Sandbox site.