Today we’re announcing the beta release of Google Ads API v0_4. With minor versions like this one, you’ll continue to point to v0 as your endpoint, but you will need to update your client libraries to use the new features. Here are the highlights:

  • Whitelist Removed. The whitelist has been removed for the Beta. All API users with an existing developer token in the AdWords API are now able to use the Google Ads API.
  • Billing. BillingSetupService and AccountBudgetProposalService introduce the ability to set up billing. Please note, this does not provide the ability to fully set up account budgets yet. See the release notes for details.
  • Campaigns. 
  • Change History.
    • We’ve introduced ChangeStatus, allowing you to find the current status of changed resources in your account.
    • The six supported resources are:
      • AD_GROUP
      • AD_GROUP_AD
      • CAMPAIGN
    • Search for changed resources using GoogleAdsService.Search.
  • Conversion tracking. Conversion tracking lets you measure the performance of your advertising against your business goals. The API allows you to set up and edit your conversion tracking setup. With ConversionActions, you can set up and edit the settings associated with your conversion actions supporting:
    • AD_CALL
  • Shopping. Shopping campaigns help you promote your online and local inventory, boost traffic to your website or local store, and find better qualified leads.
    • This release supports the creation of standard Shopping campaigns with Shopping Product Ads. Portfolio and campaign-local bidding strategies are supported types MANUAL_CPC, ENHANCED_CPC, TARGET_SPEND, TARGET_ROAS. Product offers can be subdivided into groups using the ListingGroupInfo criterion (equivalent to Product Groups in the Google Ads user interface), which currently supports the following dimension types: Product Condition, Product Type, Listing Brand, Listing Custom Attribute (L0-4), Product Channel, Product Channel Exclusivity, Product Offer Id.
  • Video. 
    • Retrieve information about your video campaigns from GoogleAdsService.Search, which includes video-specific metrics including video views, video view rate, video quartiles, and view-through conversions.
  • Ruby client library. When upgrading your client library, please look at the ChangeLog as the require path and namespace have changed in this version.
To get started with the API, our team has put together these resources:

The updated client libraries and code examples will be published within the next 48 hours. If you have any questions or need help, please contact us via the forum.