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Thanks to everyone who was able to make it to the recent Ad Manager API Workshop in New York. As always, it was great to connect with the developers who use our API. If you are interested in the content that we covered, you can now access the combined slide deck from the workshop talks.

We’ve already begun planning for our 2019 workshops, so be sure to check this blog for more updates. If you have general API questions or comments, please reach out to us on the Ad Manager API forums.

A huge thank you to the 300+ viewers from 44 different countries who joined recent Google Ads API: Roadmap and migration webinar on Tuesday, Dec 11. Also, a special mention to the great YouTube chat group in the second webinar who helped us sort out some technical issues at the start of the live stream!

We had tons of good questions to answer in the Q&A and hope the event proved helpful to everyone.

For those who couldn’t attend the live stream and anyone wanting a copy of the presentation, we’ve provided links to both the slide deck and YouTube recording of the 9am (GMT+8) webinar: Please visit the Google Ads API developer site for technical docs, migration guides, or to give feedback.

And, as always, don’t hesitate to contact us via the forum if you have any questions.

AdWords API v201802 will be sunset on January 30, 2019. After this date, all v201802 API requests will begin to fail. We recommend that you skip v201806 and migrate directly to v201809. Please migrate prior to January 30, 2019 to ensure your API access is unaffected.

We've prepared various resources to help you with the migration: If you have questions while you’re upgrading, please reach out to us on the forum.

Starting on Jan 8, 2019 you will be able to target and generate reports for a new device category via the AdWords API - connected TV. The connected TV platform, (or “TV screens,” as it’s referred to in the new Google Ads experience), is a new Platform type similar to desktop, tablet, and mobile. It targets devices such as smart TVs, gaming consoles and standalone connected devices including Chromecast, Roku, and AppleTV.

Since connected TV shares the same functionality as the three existing platforms, you can target or exclude it using bid modifiers for Display/Video ad campaigns; the new criterion will have a platformName of “ConnectedTv” and an ID of 30004. You can also isolate it in reports using a Device segment named CONNECTED_TV. Note that even though bidding will only be supported for Display and Video ads, some residual traffic may appear in other kinds of reports so you should still pull the new segment for non Display/Video ad reports.

The new connected TV device segment will be available anywhere Device-level or Device-segmented reporting is available. Currently any reporting data related to this platform is consolidated under the Desktop platform.

For more background on device targeting see the Help Center.

If you have questions, please reach out to us on the AdWords API forum.

Last week we announced the v0_6 beta release of Google Ads API, a major milestone for the beta program that makes many core Required Minimum Functionality (RMF) features available in the new API. To complement this release, we’re holding a live stream webinar on the following dates and times. The presentation will cover the following topics:
  • Recap of the Key Advantages of the Google Ads API
  • Latest beta program updates
  • Future roadmap of both the Google Ads API and the AdWords API
  • Tour of key new features
  • Migration strategies
You can submit any questions ahead of time so that we can answer them during the webinar. We want to make sure we answer all of your questions!

As always, please contact us via the forum if you have any questions or need help.

Updated on Nov 30: Added highlight for Billing. Today we’re announcing the beta release of Google Ads API v0_6. This release brings you the features listed in Required Minimum Functionality (RMF). Now that the core functionality of this new API is available, you should get started planning, designing, and coding against it. With this version, you’ll continue pointing to v0 as your endpoint, however, you'll need to update your client libraries. Here are the highlights:
  • Manager account authentication: If you’re authenticating as a manager account, the manager account you want for authorization must be in the header as login-customer-id. You then set the customer you want to interact with in the request as usual. This tells the API the level of manager account hierarchy you want to authenticate with.
  • Mix mutate operations: Pass in multiple kinds of operations with GoogleAdsService.Mutate.
  • Billing: A new service is available to manage billing. The read-only PaymentsAccountService allows you to view a list of all payment accounts. Refer to the BillingSetupService to designate a payment account for a billing setup.
  • Hotel Ads: We extended the GoogleAdsService to enable users to query hotel performance metrics that were previously available in the Travel Partner API with the HotelPerformanceView. Supported performance metrics are cost, clicks, impressions, and average lead values. Some derived metrics are also precomputed: average position, average cost per click, average cost per thousand impressions, and click-through rate. These metrics can be segmented by:
    • Itinerary segments: check-in date, check-in day of week, booking window days, and date selection type
    • Hotel segments: hotel center ID, hotel ID, class, city, state, and country
    • Date segments: hour, date, day of week, week, month, quarter, and year
    • Others: campaign, ad group, ad network, and device
  • Feeds: Manage and retrieve feeds with AdGroupFeedService, CustomerFeedService, FeedService, CampaignFeedService, and FeedMappingService.
  • Account management:
    • We introduced CustomerClient, which provides the ability to get an expanded hierarchy of customer clients (both direct and indirect) for a given manager customer.
    • This release also supports the creation of new customer clients under a manager using the CustomerService.CreateCustomerClient method.
    • CustomerService now supports mutates.
  • Recommendations: Added the DismissRecommendation method to the RecommendationService, making it possible to dismiss the recommendations listed in our guide.
  • Ad formats: Gmail ads and image ads are now supported.
  • Search query reporting: The SearchTermView resource is now available, providing metrics aggregated at the search term level. SearchTermView provides functionality similar to the Search Query Performance Report of the AdWords API.
  • Audiences: Create audiences using UserListService.
  • Criteria types: You can now create criteria with CriterionType LANGUAGE, CARRIER, USER_LIST, USER_INTEREST and IP_BLOCK.
To get started with the API, review these helpful resources: The updated client libraries and code examples will be published within the next 2 business days. If you have any questions or need help, please contact us via the forum.

With the recent rebrand of AdWords to Google Ads, AdWords scripts has also been renamed to Google Ads scripts. As a result of this change, we have renamed AdWordsApp and MccApp within the scripts themselves to reflect the new naming. Your existing scripts are not affected and will continue to run as they always have.

Going forward, you should use AdsApp instead of AdWordsApp. Similarly, you should use AdsManagerApp instead of MccApp. We are updating all of our documentation, samples, and solutions to reflect these new names.

If you have any questions about this change or any other API feature, please contact us via the forum.

Smart Shopping campaigns were released in AdWords API v201802 to whitelisted advertisers. Today, we’re releasing them to all developers in both the AdWords API and Google Ads API.

Smart Shopping campaigns combine automation and machine learning to maximize your conversion value across networks based on your budget. For end-to-end instructions in creating Smart Shopping campaigns, ad groups, and ads, visit our docs: AdWords API guide or Google Ads API guide.

For optimal performance, we recommend you have at least 20 conversions over the last 45 days across existing Shopping campaigns before creating a Smart Shopping campaign.

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please post them on our forum.

We had a great turnout at our round of Google Ads scripts workshops over the past few months. We're pleased to announce that due to high demand, we will host one more event in London on December 7, 2018. Please join us for some informative talks and interactive codelabs.

The additional London session will present the same advanced track from the previous set of workshops, which caters to experienced Google Ads scripts users who want to explore advanced scenarios and keep up with the latest developments.

Please visit the event site for full details and to register for this additional session.

We hope to see you there!

We announced an update to Customer Match requirements in October 2018 that affects member uploads and the usage of Customer Match for campaigns on Search, YouTube, and Gmail.
  • Creating a CrmBasedUserList through AdWordsUserListService now requires whitelisting. If the account is not whitelisted, your request returns an ADVERTISER_NOT_WHITELISTED_FOR_USING_UPLOADED_DATA error.
  • Uploading members to a CrmBasedUserList results in a CAN_NOT_MUTATE_SENSITIVE_USERLIST error if the account is not whitelisted.
  • Targeting CrmBasedUserLists in accounts that are not whitelisted using CampaignCriterionService or AdGroupCriterionService results in an INVALID_ID error.
  • Serving campaigns can be affected if they are using Customer Match and the account is not whitelisted. If a campaign is only targeting Customer Match, then the campaign stops serving. If the campaign has other audiences, then the campaign continues to serve with the other audiences.
Please see the requirements for whitelist eligibility. To apply for the whitelist, reach out to your account manager. Once whitelisted, Customer Match no longer results in errors and serves normally without any further changes needed.

If you have questions, please reach out to us on the AdWords API forum.

We're happy to announce that v201811 of the Google Ad Manager API is available starting today. This version brings support for date range targeting which affords the same functionality as blackout periods in the UI. It also removes the deprecated ContentMetadataKeyHierarchyService. For video targeting, use ContentBundles or key-values mapped from content metadata.

For a full list of API changes in v201811, see the release notes.

For questions about this or any other API changes, reach out to us on the Ad Manager API forum.

What's new
Starting November 12, 2018, the fields below will be available in AdWords API and Google Ads scripts reports.

Absolute top metrics:
  • AbsoluteTopImpressionPercentage
  • SearchAbsoluteTopImpressionShare
  • SearchBudgetLostAbsoluteTopImpressionShare
  • SearchRankLostAbsoluteTopImpressionShare
Top metrics:
  • TopImpressionPercentage
  • SearchTopImpressionShare
  • SearchBudgetLostTopImpressionShare
  • SearchRankLostTopImpressionShare
AbsoluteTopImpressionPercentage and TopImpressionPercentage are specific indicators of page location. You can use these metrics to determine when and where your impressions are showing above the organic search results.

SearchAbsoluteTopImpressionShare and SearchTopImpressionShare are your share of the eligible top impressions. They are the best indicators of the headroom available to show your ads in more prominent positions. If your goal is to bid on page location, you should use these metrics. Bidding by average position is not recommended since:
  • Average position doesn't actually describe position on the page but position in the auction.
  • Sometimes, average position may decrease as bids increase. This happens as higher bids sometimes allow you to enter more competitive auctions lower on the page.
See our post on the New features & announcements page for more details.

What you should do
Whenever you are using AveragePosition as a proxy to bid to a page location, switch to using the new SearchAbsoluteTopImpressionShare or SearchTopImpressionShare metrics in your bidding logic.

If you have any questions or need help, please contact us via the forum.

DCM/DFA Reporting and Trafficking API v3.0 will be sunset on November 30th, 2018. From this date onwards, all requests made against v3.0 of this API will fail. If you're still actively working with this version, we strongly encourage you to begin migrating to the most current release to avoid an interruption in service.

For most, migrating will be as easy as adopting the latest version of your preferred client library. However, all users are advised to review the release notes to learn about important version differences you may need to be aware of.

If you have questions about this or anything else DCM API related, feel free to reach out to us on our support forum.

Today we’re announcing the beta release of Google Ads API v0_5. With this version, you’ll continue pointing to v0 as your endpoint, however, you'll need to update your client libraries. Here are the highlights:
  • Billing. Multiple services are available for managing billing.
    • BillingSetupService
      • Create a new billing setup
      • Cancel an approved billing setup that is scheduled to start in the future
      • Cancel a pending billing setup that is not yet approved
    • AccountBudgetService
      • View all approved account-level budgets, including budget adjustments
      • View currently pending account-level budget proposals (if any)
    • AccountBudgetProposalService
      • Create account-level budget proposal to update a budget or create a new budget
      • View all account-level budget proposals. All approved values and proposed budget values are visible. Approved values will be exposed as fields prefixed with approved_.
  • Conversion tracking. Conversion tracking lets you measure the performance of your advertising against your business goals.
    • Conversion actions - Set up and edit the settings associated with your conversion actions, including website tracking and call-conversion tracking
  • Shopping. The ProductGroupView resource provides Shopping campaign statistics aggregated at the product group level (also called listing group in the Google Ads API). Results always reflect the current set of product groups. An impression for a product will be attributed to all product groups that contain the product. ProductGroupView provides features equivalent to the Product Partition Report of AdWords API.
  • Location and Demographics. You can now create criteria with CriterionType AGE_RANGE, GENDER, INCOME_RANGE, PARENTAL_STATUS, PLACEMENT, PROXIMITY, TOPIC, YOUTUBE_CHANNEL, and YOUTUBE_VIDEO. The GeoTargetConstantService lets you input locations and receive suggested geos.
  • Account Management. CustomerService.ListAccessibleCustomers provides the capability to manage Google Ads accounts.
To get started with the API, review these helpful resources:
The updated client libraries and code examples will be published within the next 48 hours. If you have any questions or need help, please contact us via the forum.

Since the early days of the AdWords API, we've continually evolved the platform to help you more efficiently and creatively manage large or complex Google Ads accounts and campaigns. This year, we’ve also announced the Google Ads API Beta, which was rebuilt to stay on the edge with advancements in our advertising platform.

To learn more about what's working well, and what could be improved, we're running our annual developer feedback survey on both the AdWords API and Google Ads API. Your answers will be completely anonymous, so we hope you'll take the opportunity to leave feedback on how we can make managing campaigns even easier.


The survey should take about 15 minutes to complete, and will close on November 15, 2018. Thank you in advance for helping us continue to improve developer experience for everyone.

What's changing?
The URL_PERFORMANCE_REPORT in the AdWords API will exclude information for YouTube video placements starting October 30, 2018, in keeping with our data retention policies. As a result, placements where the Url field has a domain of www.youtube.com will no longer appear in the report. New and improved placement reports will be available in one of the upcoming releases of the new Google Ads API.

What you should do
Review your application and workflows and make the necessary changes to ensure that the exclusion of video placements in this report will not cause problems. Watch this blog for updates regarding new placement reports in the Google Ads API.

If you have any questions or need help, please contact us via the forum.

We’re excited to announce our Ad Manager API Workshop on October 31, 2018. It may be Halloween, but there are no tricks, some treats, and a lot of information on how you can get more out of the Ad Manager API.

What is it?

A half-day event featuring technical talks by Google engineers and office hours with Google's Developer Relations team. Agenda with description for each of the talks is available on the registration site.

Who is the target audience?

The event is targeted toward developers who use or are interested in using the Ad Manager API. The talks will be technical, thus technical background is recommended for all attendees. This event is an opportunity for you to learn more about the API's capabilities and its newest features. This is also an opportunity for you to share feedback and influence direction by talking directly with Googlers who work on the API.

Where is it?

Google’s Chelsea Market Office
75 Ninth Avenue,
New York, NY 10011

How do I sign up?

To register, please visit registration site. Seating is limited, and after you register, we will reach back out to you to confirm your spot at the workshop.

On Friday, November 30, 2018, in accordance with the deprecation schedule, v201711 of the Ad Manager API will be sunset. At that time, any requests made to this version will return errors.

If you’re still using this version, now is the time to upgrade to the latest release and take advantage of new functionality with Preferred Deals, forecasting, and reporting.

To upgrade, check the release notes to identify any breaking changes, grab the latest version of your client library, and update your code.

Significant changes include:

This is not an exhaustive list, so be sure to check the release notes for a list of all changes. As always, don't hesitate to reach out to us with any questions.

To be notified of future deprecations and sunsets, join the Ad Manager API Sunset Announcements group and adjust your notification settings. If you are an administrator on your network, you can now also receive notifications when an application is making requests to your network using a deprecated version, as explained in this post.

Updated on 10/9/2018 to fix the format of the AdMob application ID. The format of an AdMob app ID is ca-app-pub-################~##########.

Google Mobile Ads SDK v17.0.0 for Android has just been released, and it comes with two important changes that you should be aware of:

  1. A tag is now required in AndroidManifest.xml.
  2. NativeAppInstallAd and NativeContentAd APIs are deprecated in favor of UnifiedNativeAd.

Required AndroidManifest.xml changes

Starting in version 17.0.0, if you are an AdMob publisher you are now required to add your AdMob app ID in your AndroidManifest.xml file. Once you find your AdMob app ID in the AdMob UI, add it to your manifest adding the following tag:

        <!-- TODO: Replace with your real AdMob app ID -->

Failure to add this tag will result in the app crashing at app launch with a message starting with "The Google Mobile Ads SDK was initialized incorrectly."

What if I'm using Google Ad Manager instead of AdMob?

Publishers using Google Ad Manager will need to declare themselves as an Ad Manager app with a different tag to avoid the same crash:


See the getting started guide (AdMob | Ad Manager) for additional details on how to make this change.

NativeAppInstallAd and NativeContentAd APIs are deprecated

This release also officially deprecates the NativeAppInstallAd and NativeContentAd APIs in favor of the previously released UnifiedNativeAd API. The UnifiedNativeAd APIs offer a consolidated way to render any type of native ad, reducing the number of lines of code needed to integrate native ads by up to 50%.

The following example shows how to load both app install and content ads using the new unified API:

AdLoader adLoader = new AdLoader.Builder(context, "ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/2247696110")
    .forUnifiedNativeAd(new UnifiedNativeAd.OnUnifiedNativeAdLoadedListener() {
        public void onUnifiedNativeAdLoaded(UnifiedNativeAd unifiedNativeAd) {
            // Show the ad.
adLoader.loadAd(new AdRequest.Builder().build());

Check out the native ads guide to get started with the unified API.

What else changed?

See the release notes for a full list of changes. If you have any questions about the release, please reach out to us on the Google Mobile Ads SDK developer forum.

We’ve heard your feedback regarding the current API sunset notifications, and today we’re pleased to share some upcoming improvements.

Greater User Control
Network administrators will be able to choose whether or not to receive these notifications via the Notification Settings panel in the Ad Manager UI. Check the box next to Deprecated API in use to opt-in to the notifications. Administrators will be automatically opted-in at launch.

More Meaningful Information

Our communications already include a list of applications that are using the deprecated API version. The improved email notification also shows how many requests each application made to the deprecated API. We hope this will help you prioritize which applications need to be upgraded first and expedite the API upgrade process.

UI Notifications

Alongside the email notification, you will also receive a notification card in the Ad Manager UI. Both will be sent on the second Tuesday of each month.

These updates will be rolling out to network administrators in the coming weeks and we will announce in the release notes when they’re available. As always, upcoming deprecation and sunset dates are available on the deprecation schedule page. If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to reach out to us on the Ad Manager API forums.

Today we’re announcing the beta release of Google Ads API v0_4. With minor versions like this one, you’ll continue to point to v0 as your endpoint, but you will need to update your client libraries to use the new features. Here are the highlights:

  • Whitelist Removed. The whitelist has been removed for the Beta. All API users with an existing developer token in the AdWords API are now able to use the Google Ads API.
  • Billing. BillingSetupService and AccountBudgetProposalService introduce the ability to set up billing. Please note, this does not provide the ability to fully set up account budgets yet. See the release notes for details.
  • Campaigns. 
  • Change History.
    • We’ve introduced ChangeStatus, allowing you to find the current status of changed resources in your account.
    • The six supported resources are:
      • AD_GROUP
      • AD_GROUP_AD
      • CAMPAIGN
    • Search for changed resources using GoogleAdsService.Search.
  • Conversion tracking. Conversion tracking lets you measure the performance of your advertising against your business goals. The API allows you to set up and edit your conversion tracking setup. With ConversionActions, you can set up and edit the settings associated with your conversion actions supporting:
    • AD_CALL
  • Shopping. Shopping campaigns help you promote your online and local inventory, boost traffic to your website or local store, and find better qualified leads.
    • This release supports the creation of standard Shopping campaigns with Shopping Product Ads. Portfolio and campaign-local bidding strategies are supported types MANUAL_CPC, ENHANCED_CPC, TARGET_SPEND, TARGET_ROAS. Product offers can be subdivided into groups using the ListingGroupInfo criterion (equivalent to Product Groups in the Google Ads user interface), which currently supports the following dimension types: Product Condition, Product Type, Listing Brand, Listing Custom Attribute (L0-4), Product Channel, Product Channel Exclusivity, Product Offer Id.
  • Video. 
    • Retrieve information about your video campaigns from GoogleAdsService.Search, which includes video-specific metrics including video views, video view rate, video quartiles, and view-through conversions.
  • Ruby client library. When upgrading your client library, please look at the ChangeLog as the require path and namespace have changed in this version.
To get started with the API, our team has put together these resources:

The updated client libraries and code examples will be published within the next 48 hours. If you have any questions or need help, please contact us via the forum.

Have you ever wanted to see the AdWords API and Google Ads API services or reference pages relevant to the new Google Ads experience web page you’re browsing? Now you can easily do so by using our new Chrome extension, the AdWords & Google Ads API Web Navi!

How does it work?
The tool shows the AdWords API and Google Ads API resources (e.g., guides, service reference pages, report references) related to the web page of the new Google Ads experience you are visiting. Just choose the tab for the API of interest to view the relevant resources.

For example, in the animation below, a user has clicked on the extension’s icon while browsing the Ad groups page of the new Google Ads experience. The extension then shows some relevant resources for the AdWords API, e.g., Objects, Methods, and Services, AdGroupService, and Adgroup Performance Report. When the user clicks on the Google Ads API (Beta) tab, its resources are shown instead.

Below are the screenshots of both tabs:
The AdWords API Resources The Google Ads API Resources

Resources in each tab are divided into sections — Guides, Services, and Reports for the AdWords API, and Guides, Services, and Fields for the Google Ads API.

In each AdWords API and Google Ads API release, we will update the tool to reflect the addition, update, and deletion of resources. Note that for services, the tool always shows the latest version of the API.

If you have any questions or comments, please post on our forum or add your comments directly in the Reviews tab of the extension page.

Today we’re announcing the release of AdWords API v201809. Here are the highlights:

  • More available text in ads. Several ad types now have additional fields, and an increased character count of 90 characters for descriptions. Check out the release notes for more details.
  • Traffic split in trials. The new trafficSplitType gives you greater control over how traffic is split in your trials.
  • Conversion reporting. The new ConversionAttributionEventType field in the CAMPAIGN_PERFORMANCE_REPORT allows you to segment AllConversions and related metrics by event type (impression or interaction). In addition, the new ConversionAdjustment and ConversionAdjustmentLagBucket fields allow you to determine if conversion adjustments were applied and segment metrics by the number of days between the impression and either conversions or adjustments.

If you’re using v201802 of the AdWords API, please note that it will be sunset on January 30, 2019. We encourage you to skip v201806 and migrate straight to v201809. If you're using v201806, be aware it's now marked deprecated and will be sunset on March 26, 2019.

As with every new version of the AdWords API, please carefully review all changes in the release notes and the v201809 migration guide. The updated client libraries and code examples will be published within the next 48 hours.

If you have any questions or need help with migration, please contact us via the forum

Today we're announcing the general availability of Structured Data Files (SDF) v4.1 in the DoubleClick Bid Manager API. Highlights of this release include:

  • Enhanced support for inventory source targeting
  • Renaming changes to better align SDF with the Display & Video 360 UI

All SDF users are encouraged to begin requesting v4.1 files to take advantage of these new features. To do so, simply pass 4.1 as the value of version when calling Sdf.download. For users with workflows that are dependent on older SDF formats, details of the file format changes between versions can be found in the release notes.

Today we’re announcing the beta release of Google Ads API v0_3. With minor versions like this one, you’ll continue to point to v0 as your endpoint, but you will need to update your client libraries to use the new features. Here are the highlights:

  • Campaigns. We’re expanding beyond Search campaigns with keyword targeting to include:
    • Display campaigns
    • Campaign groups
    • Ad schedules
    • Campaign shared sets
    • Shared sets for keyword criteria
    • Campaign bid modifiers for interaction types.
    • Ad group bid modifiers.
  • Queries. GoogleAdsService.search provides the ability to filter by resource name.
  • Creatives. For ad disapproval error handling, PolicyFindingDetails replaces PolicyViolationDetails for expanded text ads.
  • Hotel Ads. Hotel ads, first introduced in v0_1, is a whitelisted feature with an ad type that is created automatically by the system based on your provided hotel listings and prices. To learn more about the hotel ads migration and what’s next, check out our recent webinar:
  • Recommendations. Recommendations provide customized suggestions to help increase your campaigns' performance. In the v0_3 release, we’ve added new recommendation types to the API and a new “dismissed” field.
    • Five new recommendation types are available in the API:
      • Bidding with Maximize conversions
      • Bidding with Enhanced CPC
      • Bidding with Maximize clicks
      • Expand your reach with Google Search partners
      • Use optimized ad rotation
    • Added “Dismissed” field to search, retrieve, or apply dismissed recommendations.
  • Shopping. Smart Shopping Campaigns combine standard Shopping and Display remarketing campaigns, and use automated bidding and ad placement to promote your products and business across networks.
  • This release of Google Ads API supports the creation of Smart Shopping Campaigns, which can be used with Maximize Conversion Value bidding strategies. Product offers can be subdivided into groups using the ListingGroupInfo criterion, which currently supports the following dimension types: Product Condition, Product Type, Listing Brand, Custom Attribute (L0-4).
  • Access to Smart Shopping campaigns is currently only available to whitelisted developers.
  • Python client library. We’ve now also released a Python client library. In the v0 and v0_2 releases, we released Java, C#, Ruby, and PHP client libraries. 
To get started with the API, our team has put together these resources:

If you have any questions or need help, please contact us via the forum.

Update: The date for this change has moved to February 25, 2019.
What's changed?
There are three major changes being announced in this post: Aggregated product statistics in Accountstatuses
The number of products in a given account can now be retrieved directly from Accountstatuses. Like the Merchant Center, you can retrieve the following aggregated statistics: active products, expiring products, disapproved products, and pending products. These statistics are given separately for each combination of destination, channel, and target country. For example:
"products": [{
  "country": "US",
  "destination": "Shopping",
  "channel": "online",
  "statistics": {
    "active": "1542",
    "expiring": "14",
    "disapproved": "152",
    "pending": "743"
Here, there are 1542 active products that target the USA that can be used in online Shopping campaigns, 14 active but expiring products, 152 disapproved products, and 743 pending products.

Product-level issues in Accountstatuses
In addition to the new product statistics, the "products" field also contains an itemLevelIssues field similar to the itemLevelIssues field added to Productstatuses earlier this year. Using the contents of this field, you can now see explicitly whether a given issue is impacting the servability of a product and whether the issue needs your attention or just further processing on Google's part.

Human-readable descriptions in itemLevelIssues
In both Productstatuses and Accountstatuses, the objects in the itemLevelIssues field now have some additional fields, which contain English descriptions and helpful links for issues that are suitable for surfacing to clients. The following fields have been added:
  • description contains a short English description of the issue.
  • detail contains a detailed English description of the issue.
  • documentation contains a URL for a web page that can help resolve the issue.
Here is an example itemLevelIssues object that includes these fields:
  "attributeName": "image link",
  "code": "image_link_pending_crawl",
  "description": "Image not retrieved (crawl pending)",
  "destination": "Shopping",
  "detail": "Wait for the product image to be crawled (up to 3 days)",
  "documentation": "https://support.google.com/merchants/answer/160640",
  "resolution": "pending_processing",
  "servability": "disapproved"
What do you need to do?
Now that the human-readable information is available for itemLevelIssues in both systems, we now consider the old dataQualityIssues fields deprecated. We will no longer include them in Productstatus or Accountstatus resources on Dec 1, 2018, therefore you should migrate to the new itemLevelIssues fields as soon as possible.

If you have any questions or feedback about this change, or any other questions about the Content API for Shopping, please let us know on the forum.

The week of September 17, 2018, a number of DoubleClick Bid Manager API reporting dimensions and metrics will be renamed. This renaming will modify both API names and column header names in generated report files. These changes are being made to more closely align API field names with their UI counterparts after the recent launch of the Google Display & Video 360 brand. The changes are as follows:


Old API name Old column header New API name New column header
Conversion Pixel DCM ID
Floodlight Activity ID
Conversion Pixel ID
DV360 Activity ID
Mobile Make
Device Make
Mobile Make and Model
Device Model
Device Type
Device Type


Old API name Old column header New API name New column header
DCM Post-Click Revenue
CM Post-Click Revenue
DCM Post-View Revenue
CM Post-View Revenue
Pixel Load Count
Floodlight Impressions

To allow users time to prepare for these changes, the new API names listed above will be made available the week of September 3, 2018. Both old and new API names will be supported until October 1, 2018, at which point the old API names will be disabled. Users are advised to use this transitional period to update workflows impacted by this change, to avoid an interruption in service.

If you have questions regarding these changes, please reach out to your Display & Video 360 account team.

We're happy to announce that v201808 of the Google Ad Manager API is available starting today. This version brings several new forecasting features, including forecast breakdowns by date and targeting. You can also forecast for AMP-only traffic and Proposal Line Items.

For video users, note that the new requestPlatformTargeting field is required when creating video line items.

For a full list of API changes in v201808, see the release notes.

If you're using one of our client libraries, you'll notice they've been updated to reflect our new name, so allow extra time for upgrading. A migration guide for each client library is available on GitHub: For questions about this or any other API changes, reach out to us on the Ad Manager API forums.

What's changing
Starting September 18, 2018, AdWords API requests that attempt to target or exclude a Placement criterion where the url is exactly adsenseformobileapps.com will fail and result in a CriterionError with reason INVALID_PLACEMENT_URL. You can read more about this change in the Google Ads help center.

What you should do
Modify your application so that it does not add the above Placement criterion via the AdWords API, and review and modify your mobile targeting to achieve your campaign goals. You will no longer be able to exclude all mobile apps from targeting using this Placement criterion, but you can refine your mobile app targeting and exclusions using any of the following criteria: For more details, check out the criteria usage grid that indicates which criterion types can be targeted and excluded at the campaign or ad group level. If you have any questions or need help, please contact us via the forum.