[go: nahoru, domu]

We've aimed to make transition from DoubleClick for Advertisers to DoubleClick Campaign Manager as seamless as possible for our API users. These two systems differ in a requirement for using In-App creatives - in DFA these creatives can be assigned to any standard placement, while in DCM they must be assigned to a placement with an In-App type. We want to make your transition as painless as possible, so we've added a way for you to handle this situation from either platform.

We've patched 4 new placement types into the DFA API version 1.20:

Placement TypePlacement Type ID Number
Agency Paid In-App14
Agency Paid In-App Interstitial15
Publisher Paid In-App16
Publisher Paid In-App Interstitial17

These types exist in both upgraded and pre-upgrade accounts, with one important difference. Since DFA doesn't actually support In-App placements, using these new placement type identifiers will result in the creation of standard placements instead. For example, saving a placement of type “Agency Paid In-App” (type ID number 14) will result in the creation of an “Agency Paid regular” placement with type ID number 3.

We will never return placements with these new types to pre-upgrade users, and you may continue to traffic In-App creatives to standard placements until you upgrade. During your account's migration to DCM, we will automatically correct the type of any existing placement trafficking In-App creatives as part of your upgrade process. After the upgrade, you will no longer be allowed to traffic In-App creatives to standard placements. To better future-proof your application for your upgrade, create placements intended for In-App using these new type codes even before upgrading to DCM.

We've added this change to our DCM upgrade guide. Feel free to update your applications with these new types as soon as possible. If you have any questions about these new placement types, we're always available at our forum and our Google+ page.

A few months ago, we launched version 1.20 of the DFA API. Now that version 1.20 has been out for some time, we are recommending it as the primary version for all new development. Version 1.19 remains the minimum for upgrading to DCM.

We’re pleased to announce the availability of version v1.20 of the DFA API. This latest release exposes many new properties on the objects in our API. These new fields are useful for customers interested in generating match tables. A full listing of these additions can be found in our release notes page.

Version v1.20 can be thought of as an optional release. Since v1.20 is an optional release, it and v1.19 will both remain usable once your account is upgraded to use DDMM. If you don’t require access to the new fields exposed in this version, you do not need to update your application at this time. Please remember that v1.18 has been sunsetted.

Questions or comments about this release, performing updates, or anything else related to using our API are always welcome on our forum.