[go: nahoru, domu]

We’re launching an incremental update to the Display & Video 360 API v1 today. The update includes:

A more detailed summary of this update can be found on the Display & Video 360 API release notes page. You can take advantage of these additional features by updating your client library to the most recent version.

If you run into issues or need help using this new functionality, please contact us using our support contact form.

Today we are pleased to announce the release of Authorized Buyers’ Real-Time Bidding API. In addition, we are also announcing that all versions of the Ad Exchange Buyer API are now deprecated, and will sunset by the end of Q2, 2021. With the exception of the Budgets and PerformanceReport resources that are not being carried over to the new API, we recommend migrating to the Real-Time Bidding API’s equivalent resources well before the sunset to avoid interruptions to your integration. Note that this deprecation does not include the Ad Exchange Buyer II API, which will continue to be supported.

The Real-Time Bidding API currently includes resources for managing creatives and user lists, and will be expanded in Q4 to include resources for managing pretargeting. Additional updates through Q4 will add features for managing accounts and billing information. We recommend reading through the migration guide—which will be updated as new features are added to the Real-Time Bidding API—to learn more about getting started with the new API.

Feel free to reach out to us via the Authorized Buyers API forums if you have questions or feedback concerning the Real-Time Bidding API.

Mark Saniscalchi, Authorized Buyers Developer Relations

To learn more about what's working well and what could be improved, we're running a developer survey on the Ad Manager API. All questions are optional and your answers will be anonymous. We hope you'll take the opportunity to leave feedback on how we can make managing your network better.

Take the survey

The survey should take about 10 minutes to complete and will close on July 31, 2020. Thanks for helping us continue to improve developer experience for everyone.

Google Ads API beta v1 will sunset on July 29, 2020. After this date, all v1 API requests will begin to fail. Please migrate to a newer version prior to July 29, 2020 to ensure your API access is unaffected.

We've prepared various resources to help you with the migration: If you have questions while you’re upgrading, please reach out to us on the forum or at googleadsapi-support@google.com.

In the AdWords API, the Google Ads API beta, Google Ads scripts, and the Content API for Shopping, all entity IDs are 64-bit signed integers. They are of type:
  • xsd:long in the AdWords API
  • INT64 in the Google Ads API
  • number or string in Google Ads scripts
  • string in REST and as INT64 for client libraries in Content API for Shopping
Applications that integrate with the API should handle ID values in that range.

Historically, the following IDs were within the maximum value of 32-bit signed integer, but will soon be exceeding this range. Over the years, all of you have been so productive that we need to make sure 64-bit signed integers are available to allow the creation of more entities with unique IDs. This was announced starting in July 2019. To avoid any issues, please make sure your applications handle these IDs within a range of 64-bit signed integer values. Also make sure that your application is ready to support a 64-bit signed integer for any other entity IDs not listed below.

Which IDs are affected in the AdWords API and the Google Ads API beta?
AdWords API Google Ads API beta
Bidding Strategy BiddingStrategyConfiguration.bidding_strategy_id

BiddingStrategyId (multiple reports)
Budget BudgetOrder.id AccountBudget.id

User List UserList.id



Shopping Campaigns ServiceLink.serviceLinkId






Conversion Action ConversionTracker.id

ConversionTrackerId (multiple reports)

Account Conversion Tracking Configuration ConversionTrackingSettings.effectiveConversionTrackingId ConversionTrackingSetting.conversion_tracking_id

ConversionTrackingSetting. cross_account_conversion_tracking_id

Which IDs are affected in Google Ads scripts?
JavaScript can only accurately represent integers up to 53 bits, so it's strongly advised that you begin treating all IDs in Google Ads scripts as string to avoid any possible future errors with high ID numbers.
Google Ads scripts
Bidding Strategy AdsApp.BiddingStrategy.getId()
Budget AdsApp.BillingAccount.getId()

User List AdsApp.Audience.getId()






getAudienceId() and withAudienceId() for all Targeting -> Audience Search methods.

Which IDs are affected in the Content API for Shopping?
All IDs are returned as string in REST and as INT64 in the client libraries. If you convert IDs to a number in your application, please make sure the application can handle 64-bit signed integers. An example of this is merchant ID that is set in the client library’s configuration or in the REST URL.
Content API for Shopping
Merchant Center AccountIdentifier.merchantId










Shopping Campaign AccountIdentifier.aggregatorId

Where can I get support?
If you have any API questions or need help, you can reach us at:

Today we’re releasing an update to the Display & Video 360 API v1 which includes the following features: More detailed information about this update can be found on the Display & Video 360 API release notes page.

If you run into issues or need help using our new functionality, please contact us using our support contact form.