[go: nahoru, domu]

On October 12, 2021, you will no longer be able to retrieve AdMob data from the AdSense Management API v1.4. To retrieve AdMob data programmatically, migrate to the AdMob API.

What do I need to do?

Follow the instructions in the migration guide to migrate your API workflow. Review these additional resources to support your migration:

Start migrating from the AdSense API to the AdMob API as soon as possible. If you don’t complete the migration by October 12th, 2021, you will lose access to AdMob data through the AdSense API, which may impact your ability to make data-driven business decisions.

Feel free to reach out to us via the AdMob API Developer forum if you have questions or feedback regarding the AdMob API.

Starting on October 12, 2021, developers will no longer be able to retrieve AdMob data from the AdSense Management API v1.4. Please start to migrate to the AdMob API which is generally available.

Where can I get my AdMob data?

After October 12th, 2021, using the AdMob API will be the only way you can access your AdMob data programmatically. The AdMob API helps app developers retrieve:

  • metrics that are consistent with the AdMob UI definitions and calculations
  • mediation reports that are not available through the AdSense API

What do I need to do?

Start migrating from the AdSense API to the AdMob API as soon as possible. If you do not complete the migration by October 12th, 2021, you will lose access to AdMob data through the AdSense API, which may impact your ability to make data-driven business decisions.

Follow the instructions in the migration guide to migrate your API workflow. Review these additional resources to support your migration:

Feel free to reach out to us via the AdMob API forum if you have questions or feedback regarding the AdMob API.

AdSense Management API v1.2 and v1.3 have been marked as deprecated and will be sunset on August 17th 2016, after which all requests will begin to fail. Please migrate to v1.4 as soon as possible to ensure your API access is unaffected; be sure to check the release notes and migration guide for help while changing versions.

If you have any questions about this migration, please contact us via the forum.

TL;DR Projects using the AdSense Management API should now check for accounts with multiple AdSense/AdX accounts and let users pick instead of using the default namespace, as it will be disabled for some accounts.

API users with access to more than one AdSense or AdX accounts will receive an error when using the default namespace due to cases of ambiguity. We expect a very small percentage of users to have this problem, as this functionality is restricted to a limited set of accounts.

To avoid complications, make sure you're not using the default account namespace adclients.list, adunits.getAdCode, etc. and specify an account ID for every call. For that, use accounts.adclients.list, accounts.adunits.getAdCode, etc. You’ll find the whole list of calls in the API reference pages.

The flow you should always use from now on is:
  • Authenticate
  • Call accounts.list
  • Show a publisher account picker if there's more than one account
  • Do the rest of the requests using the account ID
If you have questions about this change or need help with updating your code, please let us know on the AdSense API forum or our Google+ page.

Version 1.4 of the AdSense Management API is now available and comes with new features mainly based on suggestions and requests from developers: If you are new to the API, check out the new getting started video that covers everything you need to know to start your integration with the AdSense Management API.

Remember to visit the AdSense API forum or our Google+ page if you need any help implementing these new features!

Editor's note: re post from Inside AdSense blog. --Stan Grinberg

As the holidays approach, you can expect an increase in smartphone usage, especially in activity with gaming apps. Each year around this time, millions of new mobile devices are activated and billions of apps are downloaded. A recent AdMob study* also revealed that downloading and playing gaming apps are users’ top priority when getting a new smartphone, which represents a special opportunity for developers.

A new strategy for game-app developers can help them make the most of this increase in usage. Game developer Izumi Artisan used this strategy to increase his revenue by 60%, and so today we’ll share the details on how he achieved these results.

Step 1) Create a strategy guide for your game and post it on your website
Game guides, strategy manuals, and walk-throughs have become commonplace for gamers looking to get the edge or just take the easy path through a tricky section of a game. As a result, numerous third party game-strategy sites have popped up, and are attracting users in mass numbers.

This represents a great opportunity for you as a game developer, as you can create your own strategy or walk-through guide and host it on your website. There are many examples of successful game guides on the Web that you can use as a model when creating your own. The guides will vary in structure and length depending on the format of the game, so we suggest browsing a few to find the most suitable format. If there are already third-party guides competing for your users’ attention, try releasing the “Official” guide to separate yourself from the rest of the pack.

Step 2) Monetize your new website with AdSense
Creating great content and putting it on the Web is an important step for those looking to generate income online. To start earning revenue from your online content you can use AdSense to show highly relevant ads on your website.

With AdSense, advertisers will bid against each other to show their ads next to your content. The ads that appear are highly targeted, so they’re likely to be interesting to your visitors. AdSense also offers a number of great features including customization options to control the appearance, placement and type of ads that will show up on your site, as well as the ability to restrict the subject matter of the ads.

If you’re not already an AdSense publisher, sign up for a free AdSense account.

Step 3) Use house ads in AdMob to drive users to your new website
One of the most difficult pieces of building a successful website is attracting visitors. As a game developer, you have the benefit of an existing and engaged audience -- your users. By taking advantage of this built-in audience you can quickly generate demand for your new web content...you just have to point them in the right direction.

You can do this by using AdMob’s house ad feature, which lets you display your own promotions to your users at no cost. By creating a “house ad” promotion for your new website and displaying it in an appropriate section of your game (i.e., on the home screen, or in-between game play, etc.), you can easily generate awareness for your web content while preserving a good experience for your users. The great part is, you won’t need to push a new version of your app since the house ad can be updated directly within the AdMob interface.

Sign up for an AdMob account here. It’s free.

Be sure to make the most of the app usage increase that comes with the holiday season by trying this strategy. Have these tips worked for you? Do you have other tips to share? Let us know in the comments!

*Mobile Apps Consumer Study, AdMob and Parks Associates, Oct 2013

Editor's note: repost from the DoubleClick Publisher Blog --Stan Grinberg

With every new plot planted and zombie zapped to bits, the online games industry is changing the way we interact with entertainment. Online games publishers work with us to grow their gaming empires across all screens, from distribution and downloads through to in-game advertising. We’ve also recognized a growing advertiser demand to reach highly engaged games audiences. So we were especially excited to announce two launches at Europe’s Game Developer Conference: we’re launching the TrueView video ad format across our games monetization platforms, and opening up the DoubleClick Ad Exchange to monetize desktop games.

TrueView creates a better ad experience for gamers, and higher monetization for publishers

We all know how important it is to create a gamer-friendly ad experience, which is why we’re bringing one of our most successful ad formats to games: the skippable video ad. TrueView Instream skippable video ads drive a lot of advertiser demand on YouTube, the Ad Exchange, and AdSense for video. Following on Susan Wojcicki’s beta announcement earlier this year, we’re now making TrueView video ads available to all games publishers on AdX, AdSense for games, and select mobile publishers on AdMob. During the beta, we found that TrueView video ads contributed to lower abandonment rates and greater monetization compared to normal instream video ads.

The Ad Exchange posts a new high score with desktop in-game ads

Programmatic channels have revolutionized the way we buy and sell online advertising - and now the launch of in-game ads on the Ad Exchange gives developers the same sophisticated platform to accelerate their monetization efforts. Publishers who have desktop Flash and HTML5 games can now access the global advertiser demand, top-performing ad formats, and finely-tuned controls offered by the Ad Exchange. Advertisers can now specifically target online games’ highly engaged audiences with wide range of gamer-friendly ad formats. These include image and text overlays and interstitials, right through to standard video ads and the skippable TrueView video ad format.

We think that opening the programmatic channel and the rise of gamer-friendly ad formats like TrueView will drive even better monetization for games - which is great news for game publishers, but perhaps not for the zombies.

You may have heard that we launched local time zone reporting for AdSense, a fantastic feature for publishers far from the Pacific Time Zone (PTZ)! On the API side we’ve been asked some questions about it, as in some cases this may lead to the AdSense web interface and the AdSense Management API showing different data.

In Version 1.3 of the AdSense Management API, the report.generate call has a new, optional parameter called useTimezoneReporting. If set to true, the report will be generated in the local time zone configured in the web interface. Note that billing is still based on PTZ, so if you want to fetch actual earnings you may want to make sure that useTimezoneReporting is set to false or you might see small discrepancies.

The default value for this parameter is false resulting in PTZ being respected, as it was before the feature was added. If an AdSense user doesn’t choose a local time zone it will default to PTZ, so this parameter won’t make a difference.

Our recommendation is that developers let users choose if they want reports in their “Billing time zone” or their “Local time zone” (to match AdSense’s terminology).

Bear in mind that users changing their local time zones can generate spikes or dips in the local time zone reports, as it makes the day of the change longer or shorter.

You can read more about this in the AdSense blog, and the AdSense help center has instructions on how to enable the feature.

With the release of v1.2 (and the subsequent v1.3) of the AdSense Management API, older versions became deprecated, and we announced we would be retiring them later this year. The turnoff date will be August 12, 2013.

If your application is still using v1 or v1.1, please be sure to update it to use v1.2 ‒ or preferably, v1.3. The new versions build on top of the old ones, so all previous functionality will still be available and work exactly the same, which should make for an easy upgrade.

If you have any questions or need any help, be sure to join us in the forum!

, AdSense Management API Team

We have recently published several new resources to help developers build reporting calls to the API:

1. Metrics and dimensions reference pages, with each defined by the relevant values, formats and limits.
2. New metadata calls in the AdSense Management API V1.3 that allow developers to fetch the list of available dimensions and metrics, check compatibility between each other and find out what products are supported. A sample response might be:
  "kind": "adsense#reportingMetadataEntry",
  "compatibleDimensions": [
  "compatibleMetrics": [
  "supportedProducts": [
The compatibleDimensions field shows a list where each item is an integer representing a group of compatible dimensions. As there is no one-to-one relation between compatible dimensions, they are represented as groups (as shown below).

Group #1 Group #2 Group #3 Group #4











From the previous table, note that:
  • DATE, MONTH and WEEK are compatible with every group. 
  • DOMAIN_NAME (Group #1) is not compatible with CUSTOM_CHANNEL_* (Group #4). 
  • If you want to report on ad units (Group #3) you won’t be able to use custom channels since a custom channel can be applied to one or more ad units. 
  • Country names (Group #3) can be used in combination with ad units (Group #3) or custom channels (Group #4) but ad units cannot be combined with custom channels
Remember to visit the AdSense API forums or our Google+ page if you need any help generating reports!

Version 1.3 of the AdSense Management API is now available and comes with new features to help you retrieve more publisher and reporting information.

Metadata for reporting dimensions and metrics
This is a highly requested feature that provides information on the list of available dimensions and metrics for the publishers, as well as their compatibility. This is useful to help developers avoid generating reports with invalid dimensions and metrics.

You can now list the publisher’s current alerts, in their default language or in the one you specify.

Ad code
You can now programmatically fetch the code of an ad unit using getAdCode.

Remember to visit the AdSense API forums or our Google+ page if you need any help implementing these new features!

Good news, everyone! Version 1.2 of the AdSense Management API is now available, and with it come two new features:
  • the ability to retrieve saved ad styles
  • the ability to retrieve and run saved reports

In addition, we’ll soon be deprecating versions 1.0 and 1.1. These will both be sunset six months from now, on April 17, 2013. Migration to the new version should be extremely simple, since version 1.2 is a superset of both previous versions, with no breaking changes.

If you have any questions or comments, let us know in the forum!

We’re happy to announce the release of v4.1 of the AdSense Host API. Don’t let the numbering fool you, this is a major update that provides a ton of new functionality!

The new version is intended as a full replacement of AdSense Host API v3 for ContentAds hosts, with a few extra features. Changes from v4 include added support for:

With this new release, we're also announcing the sunset of version 3 of the Host API, to take place on January 1, 2013. Over the next few weeks, we will be getting in touch with existing hosts and helping them get started with the migration.

If you’re not an AdSense host yet and are interested in joining the program, take a look at our introduction page to find out more about the requirements and how it works.

Let us know if you have any questions!

Editor's note: re post from Geo Developers Blog.

Our developers often ask about opportunities for monetizing sites that use the Google Maps API. For years we've provided a way to add AdSense to their maps via the Maps Ad Unit, and today we're adding two new extensions to that feature. This means more choices for ads with your maps and an improved experience for your users.

The first extension adds six new ad formats that request a link unit rather than direct ads. Link units display a list of topics that are relevant to the content of your page. When a user clicks a topic, Google will show a page of related ads. Since link units can take up less screen space than direct ads they’re a great option to consider when you have limited space.

The second new extension allows you to customize the design of the Maps Ad Unit. We now support custom colors for the ad unit's background, border, link, text and URL. This enables you to set a color scheme that complements the design of your site.

You can now test-drive these new features with the demo. While the demo illustrates only a subset of the supported formats with a limited number of predefined styles and on-map positioning, you have much more creative freedom over your own ad unit.

When you are ready to try this on your own site please see the developer documentation and Maps API reference for instructions on how to use these features with your ad unit.