[go: nahoru, domu]

What’s changing?

We are changing how stats for Search campaigns with Display Expansion (previously known as Search campaigns with Display Select) are reported by the AdWords API, the Google Ads API, and Google Ads scripts.

Starting the week of Feb 17, 2020, we will no longer return display keyword stats for Search campaigns with Display Expansion in

Why is this changing?

Search campaigns with Display Expansion historically used keywords to perform Display Expansion. As we strive to improve targeting for Display Expansion, it is no longer possible to meaningfully and consistently attribute stats to keywords. As a result, this view has been removed from the Google Ads UI. The changes in this announcement aim to create parity between APIs and UI.

What should I do?

Before the sunset date, we recommend switching to alternate reports for fetching stats for Search campaigns with Display Expansion.

If you have any questions or need help, please contact us via the Google Ads scripts forum or the AdWords API and Google Ads API forum.

Update (Nov 27, 2019 15:00 PST): An issue that impacted Google Ads reporting for conversions occurring between Nov 11 and Nov 20 (Pacific Time) for advertisers using non-last click attribution models has been fixed and the data is now correct in all reports, including the Search Query Performance, Geo Performance, Keywordless Query, and Keywordless Category reports.

An issue that impacted Google Ads reporting for conversions occurring between Nov 11 and Nov 20 (Pacific Time) for advertisers using non-last click attribution models has been fixed and the data is now correct.

If you downloaded any of the fields in the table below or any derivative custom columns using the AdWords API, Google Ads API or Google Ads scripts since November 20th 9:00 PM PST, you may have incorrect data in your systems. Please re-download the affected fields to ensure accurate conversions reporting.

We appreciate your patience as we worked to resolve this issue.

AdWords API Google Ads API beta

Update 5, May 17 2019, 12:00pm PDT: Latest and all future updates on this issue are available here.

Update 4, May 10 2019, 10:00am PDT: We have edited this post to confirm that store sales and store visits data has been fixed for April 28 and 29, as well as May 3 to present. We are actively working on correcting the data for April 30, May 1 and May 2 (all dates in PDT).

Update 3, May 8 2019, 6:30pm PDT: We are actively working on correcting the data from 12:01am on May 1 to 4:00am May 2 (PDT). All other data is now accurate, with the exception of store visits and store sales data which is impacted from 12:01am (PDT) on April 28 onwards, and which we are also working to correct. Google Ads bid strategy & Local campaign users do not need to take any action, as our bidding models are not impacted by the incorrect data.

Update 2, May 3 2019, 8PM PDT: We are actively working on correcting the data from 12:01am on May 1 to 4:00am May 2 (PDT). All other data is now accurate.

Update: We have edited this post to confirm the accuracy of data after 4am on May 2 PST and beyond and provide guidance for when fixed data is expected to be available.

On May 1, at approximately 5pm PST, a bug caused Google Ads reporting for April 30 and May 1 (Pacific Time) to be incorrect. This bug impacts reports in all Google Ads interfaces, including any report data downloaded via the AdWords API, Google Ads API and Google Ads Scripts.

We are actively working to correct the data from 12:01am on May 1 to 4:00am on May 2 (PDT), as well as the store visits and store sales data, which is inaccurate from 12:01am on April 30 to end of day May 2 (PDT). All other data is now accurate. Google Ads bid strategy & Local campaign users do not need to take any action, as our bidding models are not impacted by the incorrect data.

We appreciate your patience as we work to resolve this issue as quickly as possible.

If you have any questions or need help, please contact us via the forum.

(If you want to continue getting email updates about our blog posts, read on. If you don't want email updates from this blog, you can skip this post.)

For some products, the Google Ads Developer team has used Google groups as a way to allow API users to subscribe and get new relevant blog posts delivered to their email address. Starting now, the way you can get email updates about blog posts is changing. We will no longer send an email to the Google group for each new blog post. We will continue to use the Google groups for other important updates, however.

For users who still want email updates, we've introduced new FeedBurner links on the right-hand panel of our blog homepage. You can subscribe to the RSS feed by clicking on the link for the product you're interested in, or subscribe by email by clicking on the [+] link to the right of the product name.

If you use any of the APIs that we discuss on this blog, make sure you subscribe to the feed to keep up with the latest news and updates:

We have added support for AdWords API v201809 reports in Google Ads Scripts. The key changes in this release include:
  • The DESTINATION_URL_REPORT has been removed. Use the FINAL_URL_REPORT instead.
  • New conversion fields have been added to multiple reports:
    • ConversionAttributionEventType (CAMPAIGN_PERFORMANCE_REPORT only)
    • ConversionAdjustment
    • ConversionAdjustmentLagBucket
Read the AdWords API release notes for complete details, including additional features not listed here.

If you use API versioning in your reports, you need to modify your code to use v201809:
var report = AdsApp.report(query, {
  apiVersion: 'v201809'
If you don't use API versioning, no code changes are required. We are updating the default reporting version to v201806 along with this change, and your reports will upgrade automatically.

If you have any questions about these changes or Google Ads scripts in general, you can post them on our developer forum.

With the recent rebrand of AdWords to Google Ads, AdWords scripts has also been renamed to Google Ads scripts. As a result of this change, we have renamed AdWordsApp and MccApp within the scripts themselves to reflect the new naming. Your existing scripts are not affected and will continue to run as they always have.

Going forward, you should use AdsApp instead of AdWordsApp. Similarly, you should use AdsManagerApp instead of MccApp. We are updating all of our documentation, samples, and solutions to reflect these new names.

If you have any questions about this change or any other API feature, please contact us via the forum.

What's new
Starting November 12, 2018, the fields below will be available in AdWords API and Google Ads scripts reports.

Absolute top metrics:
  • AbsoluteTopImpressionPercentage
  • SearchAbsoluteTopImpressionShare
  • SearchBudgetLostAbsoluteTopImpressionShare
  • SearchRankLostAbsoluteTopImpressionShare
Top metrics:
  • TopImpressionPercentage
  • SearchTopImpressionShare
  • SearchBudgetLostTopImpressionShare
  • SearchRankLostTopImpressionShare
AbsoluteTopImpressionPercentage and TopImpressionPercentage are specific indicators of page location. You can use these metrics to determine when and where your impressions are showing above the organic search results.

SearchAbsoluteTopImpressionShare and SearchTopImpressionShare are your share of the eligible top impressions. They are the best indicators of the headroom available to show your ads in more prominent positions. If your goal is to bid on page location, you should use these metrics. Bidding by average position is not recommended since:
  • Average position doesn't actually describe position on the page but position in the auction.
  • Sometimes, average position may decrease as bids increase. This happens as higher bids sometimes allow you to enter more competitive auctions lower on the page.
See our post on the New features & announcements page for more details.

What you should do
Whenever you are using AveragePosition as a proxy to bid to a page location, switch to using the new SearchAbsoluteTopImpressionShare or SearchTopImpressionShare metrics in your bidding logic.

If you have any questions or need help, please contact us via the forum.

Starting August 27, 2018, creating TemplateAds with IDs 419 (HTML5 Ads) may result in an error in AdWords API and Scripts. AdWords API users will see the error AdError.Reason.USER_DOES_NOT_HAVE_ACCESS_TO_TEMPLATE when creating HTML5 ads using various services.AdWords Scripts users may see an error that the ad cannot be saved when using the HTML5AdBuilder class to create a new HTML5 ad.

Existing accounts that have used or are currently using HTML5 ads will be whitelisted, and will continue to be able to upload HTML5 ads. Existing HTML5 ads will also continue to serve after this date.

If your account is new, or has never used HTML5 ads before, you may be affected by this change. We recommend one of the following options to fix this error:
  • You may apply for HTML5 access in your account by filling in the whitelist request form
  • You can use an AMPHTML instead of a regular HTML file in your HTML5 bundle. AMPHTML ads won’t trigger the above error.
  • You will automatically be approved for HTML5 access once you have spent more than $9000 USD on AdWords and your account is more than 90 days old
If you have questions about this change, please reach out to us on the AdWords API forum or AdWords Scripts forum.

We are rolling out a change to the way placements work when specifying YouTube URLs. Starting on August 14, 2018, using generic placements to specify YouTube channels or videos is going to be disallowed and will result in an error.

For more accurate video targeting, even when videos are played across platforms, use the new specific YouTubeChannel and YouTubeVideo placement criteria when you want to target specific channels or videos in AdWords scripts.

If you have any questions about these changes or AdWords scripts in general, you can post them on our developer forum.

Today we’re announcing the release of campaign drafts and experiments in AdWords scripts. Drafts and experiments (also known as Trials) will allow you to prepare, test, and apply improvements to your Search and Display Network campaigns using AdWords scripts.

An experiment runs simultaneously with the original campaign, showing its ads to the percentage of traffic that you have configured. Using the experiment to understand the impact of your changes, you can apply the changes directly to the original campaign, or even establish the experiment as an independent, fully operating campaign while retaining the original.

For more information, please refer to our guide to drafts and experiments in AdWords scripts and code samples.

If you have any questions about these changes or AdWords scripts in general, you can post them on our developer forum.

Today we're announcing the launch of a few new features in AdWords scripts:
  • Support for reporting version v201806
  • Multi-file script support
  • Support for final URL suffix for parallel tracking
Support for v201806 of reports has been added. The main features in this reporting version are:
  • New fields for Responsive Search Ads and Multi-Asset Responsive Display Ads.
  • The ClickType and CampaignSubType columns will return new values to reflect changes in product names. The underlying data is unaffected; the rendered value is the only change. For example, the CampaignSubType of "Product Listing Ads" will now be "Shopping ads", and there are similar changes for ClickType.
Read the AdWords API release notes for complete details, including additional features not listed here.

If you use API versioning in your reports, you need to modify your code to use v201806:
var report = AdWordsApp.report(query, {
  apiVersion: 'v201806'
We will also be updating the default reporting version from v201710 to v201802 on July 23, 2018. This will affect you if you do not use API versioning as outlined above.

Multi-File Support
Over the next few weeks, we will be rolling out support for scripts with multiple files. This lets you separate your utility logic from your business logic, organize your code however you see fit, and generally produce more maintainable scripts. Please try it out and let us know what you think on the forum!

Parallel Tracking Support
We have added methods to support the final URL suffix for parallel tracking. You can use the new getFinalUrlSuffix, setFinalUrlSuffix, and clearFinalUrlSuffix methods on objects that have final URLs.

As announced earlier this year, starting October 30, 2018, parallel tracking will be required for all AdWords accounts. You can consult the AdWords API documentation on click tracking for more details on how to migrate, as the same concepts apply to scripts. Please make sure to update your scripts before the deadline.

If you have any questions about these changes or AdWords scripts in general, you can post them on our developer forum.

Update (5/17): Starting October 30, 2018, parallel tracking will be required for all AdWords accounts. See the AdWords blog post for details.
AdWords now allows you to enable parallel tracking for all advertisers from frontend and API. People who click your ads will go directly to your landing page while their browser handles click measurement requests in the background. This helps reduce lost visits which can happen if a customer clicks on your ad but never sees your landing page because they navigate away before the redirect from your tracking URL completes.

All ads using third-party click measurement will begin using parallel tracking at a later date. However, you should start developing for compatibility as soon as possible to give yourself enough time for the migration. If you implement your own click measurement server or provide this service to your customers, refer to our newly published guide for help with implementation. If you are an advertiser who uses a third-party measurement solution, reach out to your service provider to prepare for the switch.

If you need additional support, please email us at ads-clicktracking-support@google.com.

We have added support for AdWords API v201802 reports in AdWords scripts. The key changes in this release include:
  • A new report type, LANDING_PAGE_REPORT, to provide performance stats for the pages that receive traffic from your ads.
  • ConversionLagBucket field added to various reports to help you determine how long it takes customers to convert.
  • New fields added to support Gmail ads.
Read the AdWords API release notes for complete details, including additional features not listed here.

If you use API versioning in your reports, you need to modify your code to use v201802:
var report = AdWordsApp.report(query, {
  apiVersion: 'v201802'
If you don't use API versioning, no code changes are required. We are updating the default reporting version to v201710 along with this change, and your reports will upgrade automatically.

If you have any questions about these changes or AdWords scripts in general, you can post them on our developer forum.

On March 19, 2018, we are updating how AdNetworkType1 and AdNetworkType2 columns report zero impression rows related to video networks.

Currently, if you request AdNetworkType1 or AdNetworkType2 columns and request zero impression rows by setting the includeZeroImpressions flag to true, you get back zero impression rows for YOUTUBE_SEARCH and YOUTUBE_WATCH values only if you target these networks in your Advertiser account. After this change, we will always return zero rows corresponding to these network types irrespective of whether you advertise on these networks. Other network types are not affected by this change.

This change makes the behavior of YOUTUBE_SEARCH and YOUTUBE_WATCH network types consistent with the behavior of other network types. Once this change goes live, you may start seeing a higher number of zero impression rows than what you see today when requesting AdNetworkType1 or AdNetworkType2 columns along with zero impression rows.

If you have any questions about these changes, post them in our developer forum.

Today we’re excited to announce that the Google Slides API has been added as an Advanced API to AdWords scripts. Our Advanced APIs allow you to work with other Google services within the scripts you write. The Google Slides API allows you to create and write presentations programmatically, and with AdWords scripts it can be used to publish your campaign data in a ready-to-be-shown format.

To learn more about using the Google Slides API in your scripts, please refer to our guide to working with Advanced APIs and code snippets. We encourage you to try Slides and our other Advanced APIs and let us know of other APIs you would like to see added.

As always, please leave feedback on our forum so that we may handle bugs and improve usability.

We’re pleased to announce a new set of workshops for AdWords scripts in 2017. The workshops will be held at the following locations:
  • Hamburg, Germany: 10 August 2017
  • London, UK: 15 August 2017
  • Singapore: 15 August 2017
  • Sydney, Australia: 18 August 2017
  • São Paulo, Brazil: 20 September 2017
  • Buenos Aires, Argentina: 22 September 2017
This round of workshops will cater to both novice and experienced scripters. We'll have code labs where you’ll build your own scripts from scratch with help from the scripts team. Bring your laptop and some scripting ideas, and we’ll turn them into reality!

Whether you’re an advertiser who wants to learn how to use scripts to automate your account management tasks, a developer who wants to polish your skills, or you'd just like to bounce around some ideas, you can find it all in these workshops.

Availability is limited, so be sure to visit our website early to check out the full agenda and sign up.

If you have any questions about the workshops, you can post them on our forum.

We're excited to announce support for additional extension types in AdWords scripts starting today. The newly supported extension types are:
  • Message extensions, supported at the campaign and ad group level. These allow mobile users to send a text to your business directly from the ad.
  • Structured snippet extensions, supported at the campaign and ad group level. These allow you to highlight specific aspects of your products.
In addition, we're adding support for account level sitelink extensions, which were already supported at the campaign and ad group levels.

You can see all the technical details for how to implement these over on our AdWordsApp.Extensions documentation, or you can check out some example code using these extension types on our examples page.

If you have any questions about these changes or AdWords scripts in general, you can post them on our developer forum.

We are excited to announce support for two new features in AdWords Scripts: BudgetOrders and UserLists.

BudgetOrders: We are introducing read-only support for BudgetOrders. You can now access your BudgetOrders to retrieve information like account-level spending limit and credits from Google (note that your account must be on consolidated billing to use these features).

UserLists: You now have the opportunity to read and write some of the fields associated with the UserLists in your shared library. You can retrieve member counts, update membership lifespan, and open or close your user lists to new members.

When you're ready to try it out or learn more, check out the BudgetOrder and UserList sections of the left navigation bar under our AdWordsApp documentation. If you have any questions about this new feature or AdWords scripts in general, you can post them on our developer forum.

We have added support for AdWords API v201702 reports in AdWords scripts. The major changes in this release are:
  • New conversion fields to help when changing attribution models: CostPerCurrentModelAttributedConversion, CurrentModelAttributedConversions, CurrentModelAttributedConversionValue, and ValuePerCurrentModelAttributedConversion
  • Fields of type Double that don't represent percentages now return without a thousands separator and with two decimal places.
  • The AdGroupName and AdGroupStatus fields of the Audience Performance Report now behave as segments
  • All fields in the Call Metrics Call Details Report now behave as attributes
See the AdWords API release notes for more details.

v201609 will remain the default version for reports until the week of April 24, 2017. This gives you enough time to verify your scripts and make sure they work with the latest report version.

If you use API versioning in your reports, you need to modify your code to use v201702:
var report = AdWordsApp.report(query {
  apiVersion: 'v201702'
If you don't use API versioning, no code changes are required. Your reports will continue using v201609 for now, and switch to v201702 when we make v201702 the default version the week of April 24, 2017.

If you have any questions about these changes or AdWords scripts in general, you can post them on our developer forum.

Today we're announcing the release of video campaign management support in AdWords scripts. You can now create and manage in-stream, video discovery, and bumper ads in your existing video campaigns, set targeting for your video campaigns and ad groups, and report on performance including views and view rate.

To get started, visit our Video Campaigns guide for an overview of the new functionality. You can also view a variety of samples both in the docs and by using the Show examples button in the script editor. These are pre-built functions that may be useful to drop into your code or use as the basis for expansion into your own custom script.

When you're ready to dig in or when you're ready to learn more, check out the "Video" section of the left navigation bar under our AdWordsApp documentation.

If you have any questions about this new feature or AdWords scripts in general, you can post them on our developer forum.