[go: nahoru, domu]

Today we’re announcing the v3_1 release of the Google Ads API beta. To use the v3_1 features, please update your client library. If you are upgrading from v1 or v2, some of your code may require changes when you switch to the new v3 endpoint. Please see the migration guide for more information on breaking changes.

Here are the highlights: Where can I learn more?
The following resources can help you get going with the Google Ads API: The updated client libraries and code examples will be published next week. If you have any questions or need additional help, please contact us via the forum.

Today we're releasing an update to Publisher Ads Audits for Lighthouse, which focuses on improving the real-world accuracy of mobile reports via simulated throttling. Continue reading to learn more about the new simulated throttling option and how it will affect mobile audit scores.

What is simulated throttling? Until now, all audit scores were based on the result of loading your page on a desktop CPU over an unthrottled, wired broadband connection. While mobile audits request the mobile version of your page (by identifying as a Nexus 5X phone), the results did not reflect actual mobile CPU and bandwidth constraints.

To address this, we are introducing a simulated throttling option. When enabled, mobile audit scores are calculated by first auditing your page under normal conditions, then using this data to simulate page load performance under mobile conditions. The simulation uses the Lighthouse mobile network throttling preset, which artificially limits both CPU speed and network bandwidth. This approximates the performance of an actual mobile device loading your site over a fast 3G connection.

Note that simulated throttling only applies to mobile audits. Desktop audits will not be throttled regardless of whether this new option is enabled or not.

How does this affect me? The new simulated throttling option will be enabled by default for all newly generated reports, matching the behavior of other performance auditing tools such as Lighthouse, PageSpeed Insights, and the Chrome DevTools Audits' panel. It can be disabled on a per-report basis by toggling the option in advanced settings.

While metric thresholds have been adjusted to account for simulation, we expect this new option may cause scores to change for many pages that were previously audited without throttling. If you audit your page regularly and have established a performance baseline based on the previous mobile audit behavior, you may need to establish a new baseline to account for these differences.

Questions or feedback about this or anything else ad speed related? Reach out on our GitHub issue tracker.

Today we’re providing a major feature update to the Display & Video 360 API v1.

This update includes the following features:
Read the release notes for a more detailed list of this new functionality.

You can get started with the Display & Video 360 API and follow our new guides to begin managing your line items and creating new creatives.

If you run into issues or need help using our new functionality, please contact us using our support contact form.

Update (April 10, 2020 19:35 PST): Conversion data in all reports has been fixed.

An issue that impacted Google Ads reporting for Search and Shopping conversions occurring between April 9 and April 10 (Pacific Time) for advertisers using non-last click attribution models has been fixed and the data is now correct in all reports.
If you downloaded any of the fields in the table below or any derivative custom columns using the AdWords API, Google Ads API and Google Ads scripts between April 9th 8:00 PM PST and April 10th 7:20 PM PST, you may have incorrect data in your systems. Please re-download the affected fields to ensure accurate conversions reporting.
We appreciate your patience as we worked to resolve this issue as quickly as possible.

AdWords API Google Ads API beta

On April 9, 2020 at approximately 8pm PST, a bug caused Google Ads Search and Shopping conversions occurring between April 9 12:01 AM PST onwards to be underreported for advertisers using non-last click attribution models. This bug impacts reports in all Google Ads interfaces, including any report data downloaded via the AdWords API, Google Ads API and Google Ads scripts. Google Ads bid strategies are not impacted by this issue.
We are actively working on fixing the bug and correcting the conversion data.

- Josh Radcliff, Google Ads API Team

As communities respond to COVID-19, we know that this time presents unique challenges for everyone. Below are updates and resources to help you navigate and plan through these challenging times.

How does this impact the APIs?
We realize you are balancing a lot in your life. Here’s what we’re doing to help:
  • Delaying the sunset of the Google Ads API v1: The Google Ads API’s v1 sunset is delayed until July 29, 2020. The AdWords API will continue to be available for production use.
  • Giving additional time: Any new changes that require updates in your AdWords API and Google Ads API code will be given additional time or will be deferred.
We will continue releasing new versions of the Google Ads API to get new features to you.

What are some customer resources?
Google Ads has provided the following resources for business and customers: Where can I get support?
The Google Ads Help Center posted a delay for non-API related support. This delay includes developer token approvals and changes.

If you have any API questions or need help, you can reach us at googleadsapi-support@google.com or on our Google Ads API and AdWords API forum.

Today we’re announcing the open beta release of the AdMob API v1. It offers a new and improved way to interact with AdMob reporting data programmatically.

Built with app publishers in mind, the new AdMob API will replace the need for you to use the AdSense API and provide enhanced capabilities to query AdMob reporting data. For example, unlike the AdSense API that uses different definitions of certain ads metrics for app publishers, the AdMob API includes metrics that are consistent with the AdMob UI.

The AdMob API v1 beta release offers the following benefits for app publishers:

  • Receive metrics that are more accurate and consistent with the AdMob UI.
  • Gain access to mediation reporting programmatically.
  • Integrate newer technologies like JSON REST into your product sooner.

We will continue to make improvements to the AdMob API and we encourage you to join the open beta now and provide feedback to influence the product roadmap before the general release.

How can I join the beta?

The beta is available to all AdMob users. You can start with the Getting Started guide or use the client libraries that we have created for you. Additional client library samples will be coming soon.

Where can I learn more?

If you have any questions or need additional help, please contact us via the forum. We look forward to hearing your feedback.