[go: nahoru, domu]

We’ve added support for bitcode in the latest release of the iOS Google Mobile Ads SDK! The Enable Bitcode setting was introduced in Xcode 7 as one of the components of app thinning - a technique to help re-optimize your app binary in the future without having to submit a new version to the App Store.

You can change this setting for your app in the project’s Build Settings. Under the Build Options section, set Enable Bitcode to Yes. Note that if you enable bitcode, all apps and frameworks in the app bundle need to include bitcode as well.

With the new release, we’ve also made some additional changes, one of which is an added dependency for the MediaPlayer framework. You will need to link this framework to your app’s binary. If you are using CocoaPods, then running a simple pod update will do the trick.

If you have any questions regarding the new iOS SDK release, feel free to contact us through our forum.

Today we're pleased to announce the release of the v201602 DFP API. This release introduces a slew of active view features. You can now do the following in the API:

The world is now your mollusc.

We've also expanded availability forecast results to include alternative unit type forecasts. This includes additional forecast information depending on the primary unit type you're forecasting on, which is particularly useful when forecasting on active view. See our newly updated Forecasting guide for more information.

For other API changes in v201602, see the release notes.

With each new release comes a new deprecation. If you're using v201502 or earlier, it's time to look into upgrading. API version v201411 will be sunset at the end of February 2016, and v201502 will be sunset at the end of May 2016.

Also, please remember that we are tightening our sunset schedule. DFP versions v201508 and v201511 will both be sunset at the same time at the end of November 2016.

As always, if you have any questions, feel free to drop us a line on the DFP API forums or the Ads Developer Google+ page.

Today we're pleased to announce that we have released an updated BETA version of the Ads PHP Client Library. This is the first step in completely refactoring the Ads PHP Client Library to adhere to modern PHP standards. Major changes include:

  • Namespaced and conforms to PSR-4 for autoloading.
  • Conforms to PSR-3 for logging standards.
  • Entry point classes use a builder pattern for their construction.
  • Core class design is composition-based instead of inheritance-based.
  • Classes generated from WSDLs now use getters and setters for accessing fields.

To get started with this new library, please see the README's "Basic usage" section.

As a reminder, since this new client library is in BETA, it is not yet recommended for production usage. We do however recommend that you test it out, play around with it, and give us your feedback on the issue tracker.

Stay tuned for more changes to this BETA library in the coming year.

As always, if you have any questions, feel free to drop us a line on the AdWords API forums, DFP API forums or the Ads Developer Google+ page.

We have added support for AdWords API v201601 reports in AdWords scripts. The major changes in this release are:

The release also introduces some improvements to several reports in existing versions (v201506, v201509).

See our release notes for more details.

If you use API versioning in your reports, you need to modify your code to use v201601 as shown below. If you don’t use API versioning, no code changes are required.

var report = AdWordsApp.report(query, {
   apiVersion: 'v201601'

If you have any questions about these changes or AdWords scripts in general, you can post them on our developer forum.

We would like to remind you to upgrade destination URLs for ads, criteria, and sitelinks by March 25, 2016.

Shortly after March 25, 2016, we will apply the following changes to the ads, criteria, and extensions in your account that have not been upgraded:
  • Ads and sitelinks will be permanently designated as “Removed” and will stop serving. In rare cases, destination URLs for ads may be upgraded for you, which may impact how your ads run.
  • Destination URLs for your keywords will be removed. Clicks on your ads for these keywords will go to the ad's landing page. You'll need to set up new landing page URLs and tracking parameters.

    Note: Dynamic Display Ads, Gmail Sponsored Promotion, and Lightbox ads are not impacted by this change and will continue to serve.
How to upgrade your remaining destination URLs
To ensure your existing ads continue to run and your URL tracking works as expected, you'll need to: What if I can’t upgrade in time?
If you do not plan to upgrade destination URLs by March 25, 2016 or wish to keep the destination URL details for future use, then we advise you to download the ads, criteria and extensions that are not upgraded using an appropriate AdWords API service. Destination URL data is accessible for now via AdWords API reports and services, but this field will be removed in a future version of the AdWords API.

If you have any questions or need help with migration, please post on our developer forum or the Ads Developers Plus Page.

We’re pleased to announce the first round of workshops for AdWords scripts in 2016. The workshops will be held at the following locations: This round of workshops will cater to both novice and experienced scripters. We'll have code labs where you’ll build your own scripts from scratch with help from the Scripts team. Bring your laptop and some scripting ideas, and we’ll turn them into reality!

Whether you’re an advertiser who wants to learn about how scripts can automate your account management tasks, a developer who wants to polish your scripting skills, or a scripts enthusiast who wants to bounce around some ideas, you can find it all in these workshops.

Visit our website to check out the full agenda and sign up.

If you have any questions about the workshops, you can post them on our forums. Check out our Google+ page for AdWords Scripts updates.

Three new solutions are now available in AdWords scripts!

Large Manager Hierarchy Template

The new Large Manager Hierarchy Template solution is a manager account script that helps you run script logic on large manager account hierarchies.

If you have a large number of accounts in your manager hierarchy, then you know that running a script across all of them can be challenging. Working on them in parallel using executeInParallel limits a script to a maximum of 50 accounts per execution, while iterating through them sequentially can cause a script to time out if you have too many accounts.

The new Large Manager Hierarchy Template solution helps address this challenge by processing a different subset of accounts each time it executes, keeping track of its work in a temporary file on Google Drive. You can fill in a section of the template with the actual processing logic you want to perform on your accounts.

BigQuery Exporter

The new BigQuery Exporter solution helps you export your AdWords reports to BigQuery. Separate versions are available for AdWords accounts and AdWords manager accounts.

If you want to run big data analytics on your AdWords accounts, you can leverage Google’s infrastructure using BigQuery, which provides a low-cost solution for querying massive datasets. Export your AdWords data daily and then run queries to find trends and optimize your results.

The new BigQuery Exporter solution creates a BigQuery dataset and tables, downloads AdWords reports and loads the data into BigQuery. You can define which reports and fields to upload in the config section of the script. Take a look at the manager account version to run across multiple accounts.

TV Schedule Bid Coordination

The TV Schedule Bid Coordination script coordinates campaign bid modifiers in an AdWords account with an arbitrary schedule as specified in a Google Sheet.

A typical use case of this script is to coordinate an increase in bids on your AdWords campaigns to coincide with your existing TV campaigns. However, other similar use cases are possible, such as coordinating your campaign bid modifiers with a series of sporting events.

If you have any questions or feedback about these solutions or AdWords scripts in general, you can post them in our developer forum.

Today we're launching version 3.0.0 of the Google Mobile Ads Unity Plugin. The updated Unity package is available for download on our GitHub repo.

Streamlined Build Process

With the v3.0.0 release of the Google Mobile Ads Unity plugin, the process for generating both Android and iOS projects no longer requires additional setup.


The Google Play Services library project no longer has to be included within your Unity project. Instead, the necessary Google Play services client libraries are automatically copied into Unity projects at build time. This functionality is provided via the Unity JarResolver library (linked on our GitHub repo). This change decreases app size and fixes compatibility issues with other Unity plugins that use Google Play services, such as the Google Play Games plugin.


The Google Mobile Ads Unity plugin now uses CocoaPods to deploy the Google Mobile Ads SDK into the iOS project generated by Unity. The Google Mobile Ads Unity plugin will also configure all necessary build settings for the iOS project.

Custom IAP

This release of the Google Mobile Ads Unity Plugin also brings support for non-default in-app purchases. The non-default purchase flow gives developers full control over the implementation of the billing flow, while allowing for purchase of both consumable and non-consumable products. Steps on how to integrate non-default in-app purchases into your Unity application can be found on our Game Developers guide.

Ad Event Refactoring

This release includes a refactoring of ad events for both banners and interstitials. Take note of the following changes and update projects written against past versions of the Google Mobile Ads Unity plugin.

Old Ad Event New Ad Event
AdLoaded OnAdLoaded
AdFailedtoLoad OnAdFailedToLoad
AdOpened OnAdOpening
AdClosing (deprecated)
AdClosed OnAdClosed
AdLeftApplication OnAdLeavingApplication

The source code and a sample app for the plugin are available on our GitHub repo, as is a changelog for this release. If you have any questions about Unity integration, you can reach us on our forum. Remember that you can also find us on Google+, where we post updates on all of our Google Ads developer products.

Today we're releasing v2.4 of the DCM/DFA Reporting and Trafficking API. This release brings a number of exciting enhancements, including full support for universal ads! As we pre-announced back in November, this means that:
  • Placements can now be created using new universal compatibilities.
  • Creating placements using legacy in-page and in-app compatibilities is no longer supported.
Details about this and other improvements can be found in the release notes.

Deprecation and sunset reminder

In accordance with our deprecation schedule, this release marks the beginning of the deprecation period for v2.2, which will sunset on May 31st, 2016. After this date, any requests made against v2.2 will begin returning errors.

As a final reminder, API versions 1.x, 2.0, and 2.1 will be sunset on February 29th, 2016. To avoid an interruption in service, all users are required to migrate off of these versions by the sunset date.

Learn More

As with every new version of the DCM/DFA Reporting and Trafficking API, we encourage you to carefully review all changes in the release notes. For those of you looking to get going right away, updated client libraries are now available. If you're just starting out, the Get Started guide is a great reference to help you get up and running quickly.

Give it a try and let us know if you have any questions!

Today we’re announcing the release of AdWords API v201601. This is the first release that follows the new release schedule announced earlier this month. Here are the highlights: If you’re using v201506 of the AdWords API, please note that it’s being sunset on April 11th, 2016 as previously announced. We encourage you to skip v201509 and migrate straight to v201601.

As with every new version of the AdWords API, we encourage you to carefully review all changes in the release notes and the v201601 migration guide. The updated client libraries and code examples will be published shortly. With this release, we’ve also updated the Required Minimum Functionality document to include some of the newly added features.

If you have any questions or need help with migration, please post on the forum or the Ads Developers Plus Page.

In October 2015, we announced the Google My Business API and the sunset of manual location extensions in AdWords. To give developers more time to migrate their locations from AdWords to Google My Business, we have decided to extend the manual location extensions sunset and voluntary migration deadline beyond March 31. Existing locations in AdWords will not be auto-migrated until further notice. We will announce the revised sunset timeline and more details about auto-migration on this blog at a future date. Apologies for any inconvenience, please contact us if you have any questions.