Today we’re announcing the beta release of Google Ads API v0_1. With minor updates like this one, you’ll continue to point to v0 as your endpoint, but you will want to update your client libraries. Here are the highlights:
  • Recommendations. Recommendations provide customized suggestions to help increase your campaigns' performance. This is the first time Recommendations is being brought to you through an API.
    • The four Recommendations we currently provide in the API are:
      • Bid more efficiently with target CPA
      • Add new keywords
      • Add ad suggestions
      • Fix campaigns that are limited by budget
    • Search for Recommendations using GoogleAdsService.Search, which supports filtering and selecting with ad group, campaign, and campaign budget for supported Recommendations.
    • Retrieve and apply Recommendations using RecommendationService.
  • PHP client library. In the v0 release, we released Java, C#, and Ruby client libraries. We’re releasing a PHP client library shortly after this version.
To get started with the API, our team has put together these resources: If you have any questions or need help, please contact us via the forum.