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Trademark guidelines

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Automattic Inc. owns and oversees the trademarks for Woo™, WooCommerce®, and WooThemes® names, logos, and related icons (collectively, the “Woo Marks”).

The goal of these guidelines is to tell you in which circumstances you can use some of the Woo Marks without seeking pre-approval from us.

Our guidelines seek a balance between empowering legitimate Woo-related products and services to reference their compatibility with WooCommerce, while simultaneously ensuring that the Woo Marks are not used improperly.

The details


You can use the names (but not logos) of WooCommerce, Woo, and WooThemes to:

  • Truthfully and accurately refer to or describe WooCommerce or WooThemes products.
  • Report news or information about WooCommerce, WooThemes, or Automattic.
  • Link to our sites.
  • Describe your compatibility with or support for WooCommerce.

Whenever you use our names, please always follow our guidelines in the How To Use Woo Marks section below.


You may use WooCommerce and Woo logos only to describe your compatibility with or support for WooCommerce — subject to these restrictions:
• You cannot suggest that WooCommerce sponsors, endorses, or is responsible for your product or service. 
• You cannot use our logo in any setting that maligns WooCommerce, even if you also happen to be compatible with WooCommerce.

We reserve the right to at any time revoke your permission to use our logo if we determine that its use confuses readers about our involvement with your product or service or you are using it in a context that maligns WooCommerce. 

Likewise, if you have an approved use of our logo and have questions about colors, sizing, proportions, etc., please contact us.

Other intended uses

If you’d like to use a Woo Mark for reasons other than those listed above, please ask our permission by contacting us via the form at the bottom of this page. We’ll review all requests and grant permission to high-quality projects that further the WooCommerce community. Please note that we do not allow the use of Woo marks in advertising.


Here are examples of how you may and may not use a certain Woo Marks.

AllowedNot allowed
Using our name (not our logo) to describe how your products or services are compatible with or support Woo or WooCommerce.

E.g., “We offer consulting services for small businesses using WooCommerce.”
Including any Woo Marks (either a Woo name or Logo) in your company name, logo, branding, or product/service name.

E.g., Don’t call yourself “The WooCommerce Consulting Company.”
Using our name to refer or link to the official products.

E.g., “We provide services for products sold by WooCommerce.com.”
Use Woo names or logos in any way that suggests a special relationship with or endorsement from Automattic, such as your company being part of Automattic.

E.g., Don’t call your products “WooUpgrade,” “Woo Consulting,” or “WooThemes Bundles.” (“Bundles for WooThemes” would be ok.)
Engage in non-commercial educational projects that promote the spread of official WooCommerce products.

E.g., Using the WooCommerce name and logo to advertise a free class about WooCommerce sponsored by a nonprofit.
Using the name Woo or the Woo logo to sell Woo’s own products.

E.g., You can’t resell WooCommerce plugins or themes using our logos.
Use the word “Woo” in a domain name that does not reference ecommerce or website building nor suggest an affiliation to Automattic.

E.g., WooHoo.com may be ok if your site/product has nothing to do with ecommerce or websites and does not suggest any affiliation to Automattic.
In a domain name, using the words “WooThemes”, or “WooCommerce” in any way,
using “Woo” in your domain name as a reference to WooCommerce or in a way that suggests an affiliation to Automattic.

Examples of domain names that would not be permitted uses: BestWooThemes.com, WooCommerceConsulting.com, or TheWooShop.com.
Calling yourself an expert at using WooCommerce.

E.g., I have extensive expertise deploying WooCommerce.
Calling yourself a WooExpert without being pre-approved to participate in our WooExpertTM program.

E.g., Calling ABC System Integrators a WooExpertTM is only alright when ABC is indeed an approved member of our WooExpert Program.

How to Use Woo Marks

Use the Exact Mark. The Woo Marks should be used in their exact, most up-to-date form, which you can find here. They should neither be abbreviated nor combined with other words.

Mark the Mark. The first or most prominent use of a Woo Mark should be accompanied by a “tm” symbol (“™”), to indicate that it is a trademark; you may also use the “r in a circle” symbol (“®”), if the trademark in question is a registered trademark. If you aren’t sure, using the “tm” symbol (“™”) is fine. The first or most prominent mention of a Woo Mark should also be set apart from surrounding text, either by capitalizing, italicizing, bolding, or underlining it.

Credit the Mark. The following notice text should appear somewhere nearby your first or most prominent mention of a Woo Mark (for example in a footer). If that’s not practical, you may include it in a reasonable alternate location:

        [mark] is a trademark of Automattic Inc.

Any goodwill generated by use of the Woo Marks shall inure solely to the benefit of Automattic.

When in doubt about your use of any Woo Marks, please contact Automattic using the form at the bottom of this page for clarification.

Questions on the use of Woo marks

If you have questions about whether a certain use is permitted, please fill out the form below and we’ll answer as soon as possible.

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