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WooCommerce Essentials

The essential WooCommerce extensions you need to launch your business

A curated collection of essential WooCommerce extensions designed to help budding entrepreneurs launch and grow their businesses.

Success starts here — meet WooCommerce Essentials

Looking for the right tools to grow your business, but not sure where to start? Meet WooCommerce Essentials — a handpicked selection of powerful WooCommerce extensions that can help you overcome the most common challenges you’ll face when growing your store.

From taking payments to launching and promoting new product types, WooCommerce Essentials provides the building blocks to make your business a success.

Prepare to take payments

There’s nothing more exciting than receiving your first order. Make sure the payment process is as seamless as possible to keep customers coming back.


Collect payments and manage your transactions — all from within your WooCommerce dashboard.

WooPayments is our payment processor of choice for simpler management of your store’s finances, as well as improving your checkout experience. More info

Image displaying transaction and deposit information over a product photo of a t-shirt.

Back up your store

You’ve worked hard to build your store — protect your efforts and eliminate headaches by backing up your site in real time.

Jetpack VaultPress Backup

Jetpack VaultPress Backup saves all of your store’s activity in real time. If something breaks, you can restore to any past state in one click while keeping orders and products current.

  • Backups are encrypted, with copies saved on our global network.
  • Cloud backups means there’s no load on your server.
  • Protect your customer data and stay GDPR compliant.
  • Best-in-class support from WordPress experts.

Now includes a 14-day free trial. More info.

Customize your product offering

From a modern and elegant theme to customizable product kits — these are the tools that can help you customize how your customers experience your products.

An interface showing a Bikram yoga class being booked alongside a photo of people doing yoga.
Product Add-Ons

Encourage repeat custom and earn extra revenue with personalized products.

With the Product Add-Ons extension, you can start offering special options to your customers, such as engraving, upgrades, or personalizing a product with an image or custom text. More info

An image displaying a product bundle featuring a camera, lens, and tripod next to a photo of these items.
Product Bundles

Boost your average order value with Product Bundles! Start selling personalized product bundles, bulk discount packages, and assembled products.

This powerful extension has everything you need to start offering bundled products to your customers. More info


The Luminate theme is a code-free solution for those wanting to create a stylish, but minimal, online store.

No mess, no fuss — just a clean and clear shopping experience designed to put your products in the spotlight. More info

An image showcasing a skateboard kit builder next to a photograph of a finished skateboard.
Composite Products

If you’re looking for a way to offer customizable product kits to your customers, Composite Products is a flexible and robust solution designed specifically for WooCommerce.

Perfect for products with multiple parts, such as skateboards, custom computers, or gift boxes. More info

Grow your business

Reach new shoppers — and foster loyalty with your existing ones — with these extensions that have been designed to fuel growth.

Image of a Google search field and Google Ad next to a photo of t-shirts on a rack.
Google Listings & Ads

Maximize the performance of your Google Ads campaigns. Get your products in front of more shoppers with Google Listings & Ads. Sync your store with Google to list products for free, run paid ads, and track performance — straight from your WooCommerce dashboard.

Get started for free with $150 ad credit! More info

Image of a 10% coupon displayed next to a Bluetooth speaker.
Smart Coupons

Increase repeat purchases and foster customer loyalty with Smart Coupons.

Using this full-featured coupon tool, you’ll be able to set up, design, and distribute coupons and gift certificates to your customers guided by the criteria you set. More info

Gift Cards

Digital gift cards are a fantastic way to increase your revenue and introduce new customers to your store.

The Gift Cards extension offers an elegant way to set up, sell, and redeem gift cards. More info

Image depicting a birthday discount notification next to an image of earrings.

Create powerful marketing workflows that increase your revenue, while saving you time.

This automated marketing extension is packed full of features such as abandoned cart reminders, birthday emails, personalized coupons, and SMS notifications. More info