Customize your IDX workspace

The goal of Project IDX is to be as useful to developers as possible. One way IDX accomplishes this is to give developers the freedom and flexibility to install the right tools for any given project on their workspace and customize settings so their workspaces work for them.

Nix + IDX

IDX uses Nix to define the environment configuration for each workspace. Nix is a purely functional package manager and assigns unique identifiers to each dependency, which ultimately means your environment can contain multiple versions of the same dependency, seamlessly. It is also reproducible and declarative. In the context of IDX, this means you can share your Nix configuration file across workspaces to load the same environment configuration.

IDX defines the preview environment and workspace package configurations directly from the code repository with the .idx/dev.nix file. The attributes and package libraries you can define in this file follow the Nix attribute set syntax.

The following example shows a basic environment configuration enabling previews:

{ pkgs, ... }: {

  # Which nixpkgs channel to use.
  channel = "stable-23.11"; # or "unstable"

  # Use to find packages
  packages = [

  # Sets environment variables in the workspace
  env = {
    SOME_ENV_VAR = "hello";

  # Search for the extensions you want on and use ""
  idx.extensions = [

  # Enable previews and customize configuration
  idx.previews = {
    enable = true;
    previews = {
      web = {
        command = [
        manager = "web";

Nix attributes and package libraries


Packages to install in the environment.

You can use the pkgs argument to select packages to install, for example pkgs.python3. Note that the contents of pkgs depends on the selected channel channel option.


{pkgs, ...}: {
  channel = "stable-23.11";
  packages = [pkgs.vim];

You can search for available packages here: stable-23.11 or unstable.

Type: list of package

Default: [ ]


nixpkgs channel to use.

This channel defines the contents of the pkgs argument.

Type: one of "stable-23.05", "stable-23.11", "unstable"

Default: "stable-23.11"


Environment variables that are set inside the developer environment.

These are propagated to all of your shells and the preview server. Environment variables can be especially useful if your application requires a specific set of variables.


{pkgs, ...}: {
  env = {
    HELLO = "world";

Type: attribute set of anything

Default: { }


Code extensions you want to install in your IDX workspace.

This is a list of fully qualified extension ids, for example ${publisherId}.${extensionId}.

You can find a list of available extensions on the Open VSX Registry and enter them in your dev.nix file by ${publisherId}.${extensionId}.

Type: list of (non-empty string or path)

Default: [ ]


Set this to true to enable IDX Previews.

This feature provides a way to run and reload your apps automatically as you are developing them.

Type: boolean

Default: true

Example: true


Preview configurations.

Define the commands IDX executes in your developer environment.


{pkgs, ...}: {
  idx.previews = {
    enable = true;
    previews = {
      web = {
        command = ["yes"];
        cwd = "subfolder";
        manager = "web";
        env = {
          HELLO = "world";

Type: attribute set of (submodule)

Default: { }


Command to execute

Type: list of string

Default: [ ]


Working directory

Type: string

Default: ""


Environment variables to set.

Type: attribute set of string

Default: { }



Type: one of "web", "flutter"


Commands to execute when the workspace is created and opened for the first time.

This can be useful to setup the development environment. For example, here we are specifying npm install to run:

{pkgs, ...}: {
    npm-install = "npm install";

Type: attribute set of (path or string)

Default: { }


Commands to execute whenever the workspace is opened.

This can be useful to start build watchers. For example, here we are specifying 2 commands to run:

{pkgs, ...}: {
    npm-watch-fe = "npm run watch:frontend";
    npm-watch-be = "npm run watch:backend";

Type: attribute set of (path or string)

Default: { }


Whether to enable Rootless docker.

Type: boolean

Default: false

Example: true


Whether to enable MySQL server.

The server is initialized with a passwordless user root. So to create additional users and create databases use mysql -u root. .

Type: boolean

Default: false

Example: true


MySQL package to use.

Type: package

Default: pkgs.mysql

Example: pkgs.mysql80


Whether to enable PostgreSQL server.

Type: boolean

Default: false

Example: true


PostgreSQL package to use.

Type: package

Default: pkgs.postgresql

Example: pkgs.postgresql_15


Postgres extensions to install.

Type: list of (one of "age", "apache_datasketches", "cstore_fdw", "hypopg", "jsonb_deep_sum", "periods", "pg_auto_failover", "pg_bigm", "pg_cron", "pg_ed25519", "pg_embedding", "pg_hint_plan", "pg_hll", "pg_ivm", "pg_net", "pg_partman", "pg_rational", "pg_relusage", "pg_repack", "pg_safeupdate", "pg_similarity", "pg_topn", "pg_uuidv7", "pgaudit", "pgjwt", "pgroonga", "pgrouting", "pgsql-http", "pgtap", "pgvector", "plpgsql_check", "plr", "plv8", "postgis", "promscale_extension", "repmgr", "rum", "smlar", "tds_fdw", "temporal_tables", "timescaledb", "timescaledb-apache", "timescaledb_toolkit", "tsearch_extras", "tsja", "wal2json")

Default: [ ]

Example: [ "pgvector" "postgis" ];


Whether to enable Google Pub/Sub emulator.

More documentation on using the emulator can be found here: .

Type: boolean

Default: false

Example: true


Configures the port Pub/Sub will listen on.

Type: 16 bit unsigned integer; between 0 and 65535 (both inclusive)

Default: 8085


Project ID to use to run the Pub/Sub emulator. This project is for testing only, it does not have to exist and is only used locally.

Type: string matching the pattern [a-z][a-z0-9-]{5,29}

Default: "idx-pubsub-emulator"


Whether to enable Redis server.

Type: boolean

Default: false

Example: true


Configures the port Redis will listen on.

By default tcp is disabled and redis only listens on /tmp/redis/redis.sock.

Type: 16 bit unsigned integer; between 0 and 65535 (both inclusive)

Default: 0


Whether to enable Google Cloud Spanner Emulator.

Type: boolean

Default: false

Example: true


Whether to enable random fault injection into transations.

Type: boolean

Default: false

Example: true


The TCP port to which the emulator should be bound.

Type: 16 bit unsigned integer; between 0 and 65535 (both inclusive)

Default: 9010

The port at which REST requests are served

Type: 16 bit unsigned integer; between 0 and 65535 (both inclusive)

Default: 9020