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Financial Tips for Moving Out of State


Every move is an opportunity for new beginnings, but before you can start that new chapter of your life, you have a lot of loose ends to tie up – and a lot of complications to solve. One of the biggest hiccups to solve is financially related. Saying goodbye and getting your affairs in order is already difficult without putting money into the equation, but between affording the move and financing your new home, there is a lot to consider money-wise when moving out of the state. 

The good news is that you have options when moving out of state. To help you finance your move and to help set you up better financially once you have settled, use these tips: 

Understand Your Costs 

The best way to manage your finances is to first understand your costs. The cost of the move, the cost of any home improvements you might need to make at your new place, and of course the new costs of living you are going to have to become accustomed to. 

Start first with moving costs, and don’t factor in your deposit money. Relying on getting all of your deposit back can put you at a disadvantage. A big move across state lines requires special movers licensed to work across state lines if that is the route you are going for, so look into the cost and the size of the vehicle you likely need. It may be tempting to DIY but moving to an entirely new state is stressful enough without worrying about moving all of your heavy furniture or managing the drive – assuming you are even licensed to drive a vehicle so big. 

How to Save 

One of the better ways to save on a big move is by finding a fixer-upper to move to (even if you are renting). Cutting that big initial cost down is a good way to get you set up and started. Not only can you typically find a place in a better location, but you can make it your own instead of living in someone else’s home. 


Every move is an opportunity to sell what you don’t want and don’t need. It is a fresh start, but your past can still be worth something. Sell anything of value by first listing items online, and then having a garage sale, and finally by donating the rest. This can help give you some extra pocket money that you can use towards the move, towards decorating your new home, or towards making that new town feel like home. 

If you are making the ultimate sale – selling your home – it may be a good idea to make some upgrades to your home in order to sell it for a higher price, and potentially turn a profit or otherwise better set yourself up for your next home purchase. If you are preparing to sell your home in the future, loans for home improvement may help you achieve your renovation plans by allowing you to pay off the amount over the next few months or years.

Take Your Time 

You don’t have to have your new life set up the moment you move in. Take your time and spread out the additional costs associated with moving and settling in a new home. This is how you will feel more comfortable and make this new opportunity into a big success.

Infographic Provided By Moving Leads Company, USA Home Listings

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