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5 tips for collecting leads on your website

Getting your business online

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6 minutes

For many professional service providers — electricians, personal trainers, accountants, and more — leads and bookings are critical drivers of business. And your website can play a big role in bringing new customers to your door.

If someone is looking for a service like yours, they may find their way to your website through a Google search, your Business Profile on Google, or an online ad. Congratulations, you have a potential new customer — and a great opportunity.

But how do you actually turn that website visitor into a customer? In this lesson, we’ll explore several ways to make your website work harder to collect more leads and bookings for your services.

1. Have a prominent “Call to Action” (CTA)

When a potential customer visits your website, what would you most like them to do? The answer may be that you want them to book an appointment with you. Or perhaps you’d like them to call and request a free estimate, or send you an email with more details about what they’re looking for.

Whatever your top priority is, this should be the main “Call to Action” or CTA on your website. Your CTA is usually a button, a phone number, a form, or some other actionable detail that enables your visitors to easily do what you want them to do. Whatever your main CTA is, it should immediately catch the eye of anyone landing on your website, and be impossible to miss.

Encourage your website visitors to contact or transact with you with a prominent “Call to Action”.

If customers can book directly from your website, however, consider prioritizing that CTA.

When deciding where to put your CTA on your website, keep these things in mind:

  • Don’t hide it. Make sure your CTA — whether it’s a button, phone number, or a form — isn’t buried at the bottom of a page or hidden in the middle of a sentence.
  • Make it eye-catching. Experiment with how you can make your CTA really stand out. Try buttons with contrasting colors, actionable text with bold fonts, or links that always appear right at the top of your website.
  • Find a balance. While you want your CTA to stand out, you don’t want to make it annoying, or let it detract from the professional look of your website. Strive for a balance where it’s obvious, but not obnoxious.

2. Add your contact information

Even if you’d prefer to funnel all of your leads through a contact form or a booking tool, it’s important to prominently share your business’s contact information on your website, too.

Including your phone number and email address allows potential customers to reach out in whatever way makes them most comfortable. Not everyone is familiar with using online booking tools; sometimes, simply dialing a phone number or sending an email is more comfortable.

Including this information on your website’s home page or a “Contact Us” page helps make sure you don’t miss out on potential leads.

3. Showcase your expertise

Are you licensed or bonded in your trade? Have you been recognized by a prominent publication or local newspaper? Have you received awards or honors for your work? Potential customers want to know.

In competitive industries or locations, touting your certifications, accomplishments, and third-party recognition can really help your small business stand out from the crowd — and can be the deciding factor when a customer is choosing a provider to hire.

Include credentials, certifications and awards on your website.

So be sure to showcase these accomplishments on your website. If they come with logos or seals that you can use, feature them proudly and prominently where visitors can see them. This helps give potential customers confidence in your professionalism, service, and experience.

4. Include testimonials

Customer testimonials are another great way to help build confidence in your business’s services. They’re a reliable way of telling potential customers, “Don’t take our word for it; hear it from people just like you.”

Reaching out to your satisfied clients and asking them to share a quick quote about their experience is a great place to start. You can also monitor your Business Profile on Google and other online review sites to find satisfied customers to reach out to. Or, if you want to generate more online reviews for your business, check out our tips for getting more reviews.

Featuring these testimonials prominently on your website helps potential customers understand not only why they should pick you, but what they can expect from you, too.

You work hard to give your customers the best possible service; let them help you spread the word.

5. Stay in contact with an email newsletter

Not everyone who visits your website is ready to hire you immediately — and that’s okay. Maybe they’re just browsing, or shopping around for a future project. It doesn’t mean you can’t turn them into valuable leads by keeping in touch.

If you want to stay top-of-mind with these types of visitors, an email newsletter is a great way to do it. You can use a newsletter to share updates about new products and services, show completed projects, advertise special promotions and discounts, and even provide interesting information that someone seeking your type of services would care about.

We recommend adding an email sign-up to your website to make it simple and easy for interested visitors to opt-in and receive communications from you.

Learn more about starting your email program and building your email list in our other lessons.

For professional service providers, leads and bookings are key to expanding your business. With these tips, you can make sure your website is set up to help potential customers take the next step.


5 tips for collecting more leads and bookings on your website

For professional service providers, leads and bookings are key to expanding your business. These tips will help you make your website work even harder for you.

  • Have a prominent “Call to Action”.

  • Provide contact information to make it easy to reach you.

  • Showcase your expertise.

  • Include testimonials.

  • Stay in contact with an email newsletter.