[go: nahoru, domu]

Emergent forms in motion. Watch, listen, interact, explore. Learn more.

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[ Eoghan O'Keeffe ~ Interactive visuals ]
[ Nirvan Murréll ~ Video editing ]
[ Max Cooper ~ Music, Emergence project ]


Forms in motion, interact spontaneously, knitting emergent interconnections.
A continuous reflexive process — coheres through ascending scales of complexity; recurs through cycles of entropy and order.

Moving through scales, evoking natural forms:
From primordial matter, forms; ovum, animal...
Through self; community...
Towards interconnection; cohesion...


The visuals are an emergent physical system of interacting particles.
Complex organic forms emerge spontaneously, from simple interactions at the individual scale — in a fluid-like advection, particles recursively affect and affected by the field of motion.

Stochastic noise also drives the process — to set it in motion, and to shape it through scales and forms with more control (increasing, cycling wavelengths of noise).

Made by

Eoghan O'Keeffe ~ Interactive visuals.
Nirvan Murréll ~ Video editing.
Max Cooper ~ Music, Emergence project.


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