Featured Work

We Belong to Each Other: A Call To End the Violence

With the death toll in Gaza climbing past 8,500 people, including more than 3,500 children, and hundreds more being killed each day in Israel's relentless bombardment of homes and other civilian infrastructure, we at OBI join a growing global chorus...

Belonging Without Othering

The root of all inequality is the process of othering – and its solution is the practice of belonging. We all yearn for connection and community, but we live in a time when calls for further division along the well-wrought lines of religion, race...

Targeted Universalism Case Study: Vision for Baltimore

Vision for Baltimore (V4B) is a successful program at Baltimore City Schools (BCS) designed to provide annual vision screenings for all students and, when necessary, to provide follow-up eye exams and eyeglasses at no cost to families. Download PDF...

Areas of Work

The faculty, staff, researchers, and affiliates of the Othering & Belonging Institute work together with multidisciplinary approaches to learn, research, and construct solutions for society's most pressing issues. Our programs and initiatives are all designed to effect transformative change.


Areas of Work

The faculty, staff, researchers, and affiliates of the Othering & Belonging Institute work together with multidisciplinary approaches to learn, research, and construct solutions for society's most pressing issues. Our programs and initiatives are all designed to effect transformative change.


Featured Publications

In the Media

NBC News: US ranks 118th in the world for racial inclusion

The U.S. continues to underperform on an annual list that ranks inclusivity as experienced by marginalized groups in countries across the globe. The Othering and Belonging Institute at the University of California, Berkeley tallies every year an...

L.A. Times Opinion: The $1-million home is becoming the norm in L.A. This is an outrage we could have prevented

The median price of a home in Los Angeles will soon cross a startling threshold: $1 million. The median price of a home in California, meanwhile, is approaching $750,000, according to Zillow. That is more than double the national median and more than triple the figure in Ohio. This is the definition of housing unaffordability.

The Hill: It’s time for a new approach to creating opportunities for all in education

Image: Shirien Creates for OBI x Fine Acts. "Let us use the Supreme Court decision banning affirmative action to push colleges and universities towards a long overdue overhaul of the admissions process altogether. We must, at the very least, develop...