[go: nahoru, domu]


Enable people to post to Facebook from your app.

Sharing on iOS
Share from your iOS app.

Sharing on Android
Share from your Android app.

Sharing on Web
Share from your website or web app.

More Expressive Sharing

When you use Facebook's Share dialogs on all platforms, you can give people an expressive sharing experience regardless of how they've logged into your app. With the dialogs, you can add quotes to a link share, post photos and videos at the same time, or add a hashtag to let people connect with a community on Facebook - all while giving people a consistent experience that gives them the functionality they expect.


Sharing for Webmasters

Learn about the Facebook crawler which collects content from your site to share, Open Graph markup, migrating content, and optimizing your web content for sharing to Facebook.

Best Practices

Check out our best practices to provide the best experience for people sharing to Facebook.