From the course: Using Generative AI for Performance Management

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Improving documented feedback through AI

Improving documented feedback through AI

- Now let's talk about gathering and documenting performance feedback, an aspect that most leaders struggle with, either due to lack of time or skills. You can coach your leaders to use generative AI to collect and analyze quantitative data, such as sales figures, product launches, or other measurable metrics. They can also use AI-driven sentiment analysis tools to capture qualitative data from employee interactions, feedback surveys and other sources. GenAI can help analyze written feedback from different stakeholders and identify patterns or trends, gauge the emotional tone of feedback and give you a holistic view of employees' performance. You can also use it to detect and minimize some biases in language to make feedback more objective and fair. Not only this, GenAI can generate suggestions for drafting constructive feedback by analyzing performance data from various sources. Constructive feedback ensures that the feedback is positive, specific, and focused on areas of…
