From the course: Using Generative AI for Performance Management

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Challenges in traditional performance management

Challenges in traditional performance management

From the course: Using Generative AI for Performance Management

Challenges in traditional performance management

- Recently, a client approached me to help revamp their performance management system. Like many other organizations, they hadn't incorporated AI yet. As I looked into their process, I discovered several challenges. As I highlight some of these issues, take a note of whether your organization faces similar challenges. First, in our leadership discussions, it became evident that the organization followed a formal structure for its annual performance reviews. This involved setting performance goals once a year, collaborating with HR leaders to disseminate goals to team members, making sure employees completed self and 360 reviews, and finally conducting performance dialogues to share feedback with team members. Business leaders found this process excessively time consuming, averaging five to six hours per employee. With 30,000 employees, it translated to 150,000 hours. This did not include the time the HR team spent on designing the process, communicating the strategy, and various other…
