[go: nahoru, domu]

77,484 reviews
Like-Brand New Quality - So Good!
Kait· Review provided by bestbuy.ca · February 18, 2024
I actually got this for Christmas! It’s been my first ever iPad. I’d always wanted an iPad, and I’ve only had an iPhone 8 for the last 4+ years, so my mom and I both agreed that I needed an upgrade. After doing months of research on which iPad would be perfect for me both quality-wise and budget-wise, I opted for this and got it for Christmas (my storage was basically full on my iPhone 8, since it only has 64GB, and I am a video editor + gamer + student who needs at least a few Google apps at a time (Slides, Docs, Sheets, Drive, Gmail, Classroom, etc.) on a regular basis)… I was actually hesitant to buy an iPad refurbished from even a place like Best Buy Marketplace, because I was worried about the quality of either the screen or the battery being poor (I was worried that the battery might need replacing and wouldn’t stay charged for long, or that I would get the iPad and it would have scratches and dings already on the screen). I eventually decided to opt for the refurbished one through this company, because I needed the 256GB one and didn’t want to pay more than $500 CAD for it. I just assumed that even if I did have to replace the battery, it would still end up being cheaper than getting a brand new iPad.
I’m SO glad that I went for it, though! When I finally got my iPad (I think it only took a week or two to ship, and we just had to pick it up at a post office by my house), I was shocked to see that there was not a single scratch on either the screen OR the back. It had some dirt and some fingerprints on it, of course, but nothing that couldn’t be easily wiped off: When I wiped it down, it literally looked (and still looks) brand new. I was a little flabbergasted, honestly!
Then, when I started using it after Christmas, I realized that everything about it, including the battery life, was spectacular. It’s now February 18th, and I still can’t see a single thing wrong about it. If you put my refurbished iPad next to a brand new one and asked someone to tell the difference between them, I doubt that they'd be able to at all. That’s how good it is!
Long story short, save your extra money and get this instead of buying a brand new iPad 9. I’m actually using my iPad to write this review in bed, and I’m obsessed. I can guarantee that you won’t regret saving your extra $150-$200 and getting this instead.
Thank you for the awesome iPad, OpenBox! ❤️❤️❤️
[Rewarded Review] Aging Gracefully
JonathanA· Review provided by bestbuy.com · February 2, 2024
I purchased this iPad because my previous iPad, which I need for work (psychotherapist), was failing to process Notes properly. Also, because the new one was on sale. Inevitably, I stumbled in not realizing that neither Best Buy nor most retail stores offer direct phone contact anymore. Still, when I came in you had it in stock, albeit shelved, and the purchase was made.

I have had more irksome issues with Apple. Attempting to migrate between iPads through iCloud was a bit of a disaster. Let me just add that I prefer Best Buy's policy of simply not accepting calls to Apple's supposed AppleCare, which seems to be hiring unqualified people with no tech-support background beyond working through Systems Preferences, etc.

I should add, I'm 77 years old, and can remember better days in both tech and retail environments. My main challenge now is to integrate my iPad with a MacBook Pro M1 Computer I bought several years ago at Best Buy in Ithaca NY. I was a geek squad member there; someone was supposed to come to my house and help me integrate my devices, however, he let me know on the day we picked that he had forgotten that the Daytona 500 was running and would have to get back to me. I canceled my geek squad membership, with significant resistance from Citibank (again, no phone calls accepted).

In summary, the iPad I bought recently from Best Buy seems to work. While I understand that the entire retail environment is in decline, I still wish I could find support for integrating the iPad with the MacBook (and the phone, an older MacBook, and so on). I now live in Rochester –if per chance I win this lottery, I would spend it all a visit from a competent, qualified tech-support person to help integrate my home office tech environment. (e.g., can't add Apple photos to this site).
[Rewarded Review] Your Mom and Dad's iPad.
XeonX48· Review provided by bestbuy.com · July 2, 2023
It's a brilliant iPad. It's the iPhone SE 3rd Gen of iPads.

Surprisingly fast chip, Excellent software support that transcends generations and will (likely) go past Apple's software support threshold due to it's popularity, and a well built frame that inspires confidence to hold.

This is what you buy your Mom and Dad unless they're familiar with a Linux platform. Android tablets do not compare in ease of use, or security, and this is coming from an avid Linux and Android user. My main platform uses Arch/XFCE on a custom built PC and my phone is an S22 Ultra on 14 Beta. With a Dad that was using Redhat and other GNU/Linux based operating systems before they even became 64-bit...

Anyway, he had an iPad 6th generation that said he required iOS 11 to do the migration, and after pairing, suddenly said it required iOS 14.6.2 which was... almost causing my father to whip it out of a window. But anyway, after backing up .apk files to iTunes and doing a re-dump and update of his iCloud finally worked. Most people don't know that trick, but...

I got it to work fully, and he couldn't be happier. But put a note in 4 years to get him another, so that way when you pass the 5 year mark, you don't have to argue with an outdated system interface module to move critical banking and personal data that claims to be movable.

This behaves like an iPad should. Simple as that.

Buy this.
Hands down, smartest investment
· Review provided by vzw.com · January 16, 2024
I’ve been avid flip phone user since beginning of their introduction. Went through not one but 2 android, Samsung “free” tablets from Verizon. Started enjoying the idea of device other than desk top. Was gifted a non cellular iPad and while it took a little learning curve to switch from Android to Apple, I was soon convinced that Apple had superior function ability for my needs. Upgraded to a cellular iPad after couple years of strictly WiFi usage primarily for business needs. Work is dead zone with no access to Verizon Fios, best option is COX internet and we rarely go a month without extended service interruption. Now I have all my business functions on my cellular iPad and can truly function 100% incase of internet outage at office as well as be 100% mobile/remote. Took three years to use up the 32GB space so this upgrade was for the 256GB and so far, I’m still 100% Team Apple. Needless to say when the flip phone went swimming, I went to iPhone so I have it synched with iPad to get text messages and emails on both devices. The absolute most impressive think to me being a tech dinosaur was my ability to set up my new iPad and transfer EVERY picture and app already installed on previous iPad. It made me feel like an IT expert.
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