Take Control of Your Drinking

VetChange is a free, confidential online program to help Veterans cut back or stop drinking, and learn to manage PTSD symptoms without using alcohol.

Find out if your drinking may be putting you at risk:

Get Started Now

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Set Goals

Do you want to stop drinking, or cut back? Make the choice that’s right for you.

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Track Your Progress

See what’s working with daily check-ins and personalized feedback.

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Educate Yourself

Learn to manage risky situations for drinking—like stress, sleep, anger, or other feelings.

You're in Charge

Based on scientific research, VetChange helps you build skills to better manage your drinking and other problems Veterans can experience after deployment, including symptoms of PTSD.

Set your own goals. Learn at your own pace. Check your own progress over time and adjust your personal plan for change — with VetChange, you're in the driver's seat.

Feature #1

Track Your Progress

Set weekly drinking goals for yourself, then use the daily drink log on your computer, smartphone or tablet to stay on course.

Once a week, you'll "check in" to evaluate your progress, get feedback, and set your goals for the week ahead. Regularly tracking your progress and updating your personal plan are the keys to making positive changes over the long term.

Feature #2

Build New Skills for Coping

In VetChange, you create personalized action plans to deal with common life situations that can trigger your drinking — like anger, stress, and problems with sleep.

Each week, try out healthier ways to cope in daily life, and come back to revise your action plan until you find the strategies that work best for you.

Feature #3
Learn how VetChange can help you take control

Get Started Now